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tdm_drag_af_ground_timer "800" tdm_drag_damping "0.0" tdm_drag_damping_af "0.4" tdm_drag_debug "0" tdm_drag_encumber_max "0.4" tdm_drag_encumber_maxmass "55" tdm_drag_encumber_minmass "10" tdm_drag_force_max "100000" tdm_drag_jump_masslimit "20" tdm_drag_limit_force "1" tdm_drag_stuck_dist "38.0" tdm_dragged_item_highlight "1" tdm_empty_model "models/darkmod/misc/system/empty.lwo" tdm_fm_current_file "currentfm.txt" tdm_fm_desc_file "darkmod.txt" tdm_fm_mapsequence_file "tdm_mapsequence.txt" tdm_fm_notes_file "readme.txt" tdm_fm_path "fms/" tdm_fm_restart_delay "0" tdm_fm_splashimage_file "install_splash.tga" tdm_fm_startingmap_file "startingmap.txt" tdm_footfall_sounds_movetype_specific "1" tdm_force_savegame_load "0" tdm_frob_debug_bounds "0" tdm_frob_debug_hud "0" tdm_frob_distance_default "63" tdm_frob_fadetime "100" tdm_frob_weapon_selects_weapon "0" tdm_frob_width "10.0" tdm_frobhelper_active "0" tdm_frobhelper_alpha "1.0" tdm_frobhelper_alwaysVisible "0" tdm_frobhelper_fadein_delay "500" tdm_frobhelper_fadein_duration "1500" tdm_frobhelper_fadeout_duration "500" tdm_frobhelper_ignore_size "40.0" tdm_fwd_jump_vel "50.0" tdm_grabber_reverse_control "0" tdm_http_base_url "" tdm_hud_hide_lightgem "0" tdm_hud_opacity "0.7" tdm_inv_hud_file "guis/tdm_inv.gui" tdm_inv_hud_pickupmessages "1" tdm_inv_loot_item_def "atdm:inv_loot_info_item" tdm_inv_loot_sound "frob_loot" tdm_inv_use_on_frob "1" tdm_inv_use_visual_feedback "1" tdm_invgrid_hud_file "guis/tdm_invgrid_parchment.gui" tdm_jump_relaxation_time "4" tdm_las_showtraces "0" tdm_lg_adjust "0" tdm_lg_crouch_modifier "-2" tdm_lg_distance "0" tdm_lg_fade_delay "0.09" tdm_lg_interleave "1" tdm_lg_interleave_min "40" tdm_lg_model "models/darkmod/misc/system/lightgem.lwo" tdm_lg_oxoffs "0" tdm_lg_oyoffs "0" tdm_lg_ozoffs "-20" tdm_lg_velocity_mod_amount "1" tdm_lg_velocity_mod_max_velocity "300" tdm_lg_velocity_mod_min_velocity "0" tdm_lg_weak "0" tdm_lg_xoffs "0" tdm_lg_yoffs "0" tdm_lg_zoffs "17" tdm_lod_bias "1.0" tdm_lp_auto_pick "0" tdm_lp_autopick_attempts "3" tdm_lp_base_count "5" tdm_lp_debug_hud "0" tdm_lp_pawlow "0" tdm_lp_pick_timeout "500" tdm_lp_randomize "1" tdm_lp_sample_delay "10" tdm_mainmenu_confirmquit "1" tdm_melee_auto_parry "1" tdm_melee_debug "0" tdm_melee_debug_state "0" tdm_melee_difficulty "normal" tdm_melee_forbid_auto_parry "0" tdm_melee_invert_attack "0" tdm_melee_invert_parry "0" tdm_melee_max_particles "10" tdm_melee_mouse_dead_time_ "120" tdm_melee_mouse_decision_time_ "100" tdm_melee_mouse_slowview_ "0.0" tdm_melee_mouse_thresh_ "0" tdm_menu_music "1" tdm_min_vel_jump "0.0" tdm_mission_details_url "http://missions.thedarkmod.com/get_mission_details.php?id=%d" tdm_mission_list_urls "http://missions.thedarkmod.com/get_available_missions.php;http://missions.thedarkmod.com/available_missions.xml" tdm_mission_screenshot_url "http://missions.thedarkmod.com/%s" tdm_music_volume "0" tdm_obj_hud_file "guis/tdm_objectives.gui" tdm_phys_show_momentum "0" tdm_player_spawnclass "atdm:player_thief" tdm_player_wait_until_ready "1" tdm_proxy "" tdm_proxy_pass "" tdm_proxy_user "" tdm_reattach_delay "100" tdm_rope_pull_force_factor "140" tdm_run_jump_vel "2.5" tdm_savegame_compress "1" tdm_show_gameplaytime "0" tdm_show_health "0" tdm_show_moveable_collision "0" tdm_show_stimresponse "0" tdm_show_trainer_messages "1" tdm_showko "0" tdm_showsprop "0" tdm_showsprop_radius "0" tdm_sndprop_disable "0" tdm_spr_debug "0" tdm_sr_disable "0" tdm_throw_max "3500" tdm_throw_max_vel "900" tdm_throw_min "600" tdm_throw_time "1200" tdm_toggle_creep "0" tdm_toggle_crouch "1" tdm_underwater_blur "3" tdm_version_check_url "http://update.thedarkmod.com/tdm_version.xml" tdm_voice_from_off_volume "0" tdm_voice_player_volume "0" tdm_waituntilready_gui_file "guis/tdm_waituntilready.gui" tdm_walk_jump_vel "2.2" tdm_weapon_next_on_empty "0" tdm_wideScreenMode "7" timescale "1" ui_autoSwitch "1" ui_chat "1" ui_name "Player" ui_ready "Not Ready" ui_showGun "1" ui_skin "skins/characters/player/marine_mp" ui_spectate "Play" ui_team "Red" win_maximized "0" win_outputDebugString "0" win_outputEditString "1" win_timerUpdate "0" win_topmost "0" win_username "GatilovUser" win_viewlog "0" win_xpos "3" win_ypos "22" 962 cvars listed listCvar [search string] = list cvar values listCvar -help [search string] = list cvar descriptions listCvar -type [search string] = list cvar types listCvar -flags [search string] = list cvar flags ]listcmds aas_showReachabilities Shows the reachabilities for the given area number (AAS32). aas_showStats Shows the AAS statistics. aas_showWalkPath Shows the walk path from the player to the given area number (AAS32). aasStats shows AAS stats addarrow adds a debug arrow addline adds a debug line aviCmdDemo writes AVIs for a command demo aviDemo writes AVIs for a demo aviGame writes AVIs for the current game benchmark benchmark bind binds a command to a key bindPadButton binds a command to a gamepad button bindRagdoll binds ragdoll at the current drag position bindunbindtwo binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds blinkline blinks a debug line centerview centers the view clear clears the console clearLights clears all lights collisionModelInfo shows collision model info combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression compressDemo compresses a demo file conDump dumps the console text to a file countEntities counts game entities by class crash causes a crash cvar_restart restart the cvar system damage apply damage to an entity deleteSelected deletes selected entity demoShot writes a screenshot for a demo devmap loads a map in developer mode dir lists a folder dirtree lists a folder with subfolders disasmScript disassembles script disconnect disconnects from a game dmap compiles a map eas_showRoute Shows the EAS route to the goal area. echo prints text editAFs launches the in-game Articulated Figure Editor editDecls launches the in-game Declaration Editor editGUIs launches the GUI Editor editLights launches the in-game Light Editor editor launches the level editor Radiant editParticles launches the in-game Particle Editor editScripts launches the in-game Script Editor editSounds launches the in-game Sound Editor envshot takes an environment shot envshotGL takes an environment shot in opengl orientation error causes an error escape simulate a press of the ESC key exec executes a config file exit exits the game exitCmdDemo exits a command demo exportmodels exports models finishBuild finishes the build process freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds fstestthreads deletes all currently loaded images game_memory displays game class info gameError causes a game error getGameTime prints current game time (gameLocal.time) in milliseconds getviewpos prints the current view position: x y z pitch yaw roll gfxInfo show graphics info give gives one or more items god enables god mode hitch hitches the game in_restart restarts the input system inaudible makes the player inaudible; he can't be heard inventory_cycle_group Usage: Bind a key to this command to cycle through the specified inventory group. inventory_cycle_maps Usage: Bind a key to this command to cycle through the inventory maps. inventory_hotkey Usage: inventory_hotkey [item] Selects an item from the currently available inventory. If 'item' is omitted, it will return the current item's hotkey name, if any. inventory_use Usage: inventory_use [item] Uses an item in the currently available inventory without selectign it. If 'item' is omitted, it will use the currently selected item. invisible makes the player invisible; he can't be seen keepTestModel keeps the last test model in the game kill kills the player killMonsters removes all monsters killMoveables removes all moveables killRagdolls removes all ragdolls listActiveEntities lists active game entities listAF lists articulated figures listAnims lists all animations listBinds lists key bindings listClasses lists game classes listCmds lists commands listCollisionModels lists collision models listCvars lists cvars listDecls lists all decls listDictKeys lists all keys used by dictionaries listDictValues lists all values used by dictionaries listEntities lists game entities listEntityDefs lists entity defs listEvents lists game events currently alive listFX lists FX systems listGameCmds lists game commands listGuis lists guis listHuffmanFrequencies lists decl text character frequencies listImages lists images listLines lists all debug lines listMaterials lists materials listModelDefs lists model defs listModels lists all models listMonsters lists monsters listParticles lists particle systems listRenderEntityDefs lists the entity defs listRendererCmds lists renderer commands listRenderLightDefs lists the light defs listSkins lists skins listSoundCmds lists sound commands listSoundDecoders list active sound decoders listSounds lists all sounds listSoundShaders lists sound shaders listSpawnArgs list the spawn args of an entity listSystemCmds lists system commands listTables lists tables listThreads lists script threads listToolCmds lists tool commands listTypeInfo list type info loadGame loads a game localizeGuiParmsTest Create test files that show gui parms localized and ignored. localizeGuis localize guis localizeMaps localize maps localizeMapsTest Create test files that shows which strings will be localized. makeAmbientMap makes an ambient map MakeMegaTexture processes giant images map loads a map materialEditor launches the Material Editor memoryDump creates a memory dump memoryDumpCompressed creates a compressed memory dump modulateLights modifies shader parms on all lights nextAnim shows next animation on test model nextFrame shows next animation frame on test model nextGUI teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui noclip disables collision detection for the player notarget disables the player as a target; can't be seen and can't be heard overrideSurfaceMaterial changes the material of the surface currently under cursor parse prints tokenized string path lists search paths playCmdDemo plays back a command demo playDemo plays back a demo playerModel sets the given model on the player popLight removes the last created light prevAnim shows previous animation on test model prevFrame shows previous animation frame on test model printAF prints an articulated figure printEntityDef prints an entity def printFX prints an FX system printMaterial prints a material printMemInfo prints memory debugging data printModel prints model info printModelDefs prints a model def printParticle prints a particle system printSkin prints a skin printSoundShader prints a sound shader printTable prints a table purgeImages deletes all currently loaded images quit quits the game recordDemo records a demo reexportmodels reexports models regenerateWorld regenerates all interactions reloadanims reloads animations reloadDecls reloads decls reloadEngine reloads the engine down to including the file system reloadGLSLprograms reloads GLSL programs reloadGuis reloads guis reloadImages reloads images reloadLanguage reload language dict reloadMap Reload .map file and try to update running game accordingly reloadModels reloads models reloadScript reloads scripts reloadSounds reloads all sounds reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface reloadXData Reloads the xdata declarations and refreshes all readables. remove removes an entity removeline removes a debug line renderbump renders a bump map renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images for duplications reportSurfaceAreas lists all used materials sorted by surface area rescanSI internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game reset resets a cvar respawn respawns game entity with given name roq encodes a roq file runAAS compiles an AAS file for a map runAASDir compiles AAS files for all maps in a folder runParticle calculates static collision for particle systems ('collisionStatic' in .prt files) runReach calculates reachability for an AAS file s_restart restarts the sound system saveGame saves a game saveLights saves all lights to the .map file saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file screenshot takes a screenshot script executes a line of script set sets a cvar seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive setClipContents Set the contents flags of the target entity, usage: 'setClipContents crate01 1313' setClipMask Set the clipmask of the target entity, usage: 'setClipMask crate01 1313' setGameTime assigns specified value in milliseconds to game time (gameLocal.time) note: this is unsafe! sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info setviewpos sets the current view position: [x y z] or [x y z yaw] or [x y z pitch yaw] showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions showStringMemory shows memory used by strings showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller sizeUp makes the rendered view larger spawn spawns a game entity startBuild prepares to make a build stopRecording stops demo recording tdm_activatelogclass Activates a specific log class during run-time (as defined in darkmod.ini) tdm_ai_rel_print print the relationship matrix determining relations between AI teams. tdm_attach_offset Set the vector offset (x y z) for an attachment on an AI you are looking at. Usage: tdm_attach_offset tdm_attach_rot Set the rotation (pitch yaw roll) for an attachment on an AI you are looking at. Usage: tdm_attach_rot (NOTE: Rotation is applied before translation, angles are relative to the joint orientation) tdm_batchConvertMaterials Converts specified number of materials to support new ambient lighting tdm_deactivatelogclass De-activates a specific log class during run-time (as defined in darkmod.ini) tdm_end_mission Ends this mission and proceeds to the next. tdm_gen_script_event_doc Generates a script event doc file in a certain format. tdm_give_loot Adds all loot items in the map to in inventory of the player. tdm_list_conversations List all available conversations by name. tdm_list_missions Lists all available missions. tdm_lod_bias_changed Updates entity visibility according to tdm_lod_bias. tdm_restart_gui_update_objectives Don't use. Reserved for internal use to dispatch restart GUI commands to the local game instance. tdm_set_mission_completed Sets or clears the 'completed' flag of a named mission. tdm_show_frobs Highlight all frobables in the map. tdm_show_keys Highlight all keys in the map. tdm_show_loot Highlight all loot items in the map. tdm_spr_testIO test soundprop file IO (needs a .spr file) tdm_start_conversation Starts the conversation with the given name. teleport teleports the player to an entity location testAnim tests an animation testBlend tests animation blending testBoneFx tests an FX system bound to a joint testDamage tests a damage def testDeath tests death testFx tests an FX system testGUI tests a gui testImage displays the given image centered on screen testLight tests a light testmap tests a map testModel tests a model testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model testPointLight tests a point light testSave writes out a test savegame testSaveGame test a save game for a level testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel testSIMD test SIMD code testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel testSound tests a sound testVideo displays the given cinematic timeCmdDemo times a command demo timeDemo times a demo timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits toggle toggles a cvar touch touches a decl touchFile touches a file touchFileList touches a list of files touchGui touches a gui touchModel touches a model trigger triggers an entity unbind unbinds any command from a key unbindall unbinds any commands from all keys unbindRagdoll unbinds the selected ragdoll vid_restart restarts renderSystem vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames weaponSplat projects a blood splat on the player weapon where prints the current view position: x y z pitch yaw roll writeCmdDemo writes a command demo writeConfig writes a config file writeGameState write game state writePrecache writes precache commands 272 commands