atdm:newspaper_mobile { "inherit" "moveable_base" "gui_noninteractive" "1" "editor_readable" "1" "is_mantleable" "0" "inv_icon" "guis/assets/hud/inventory_icons/" "frobable" "1" "scriptobject" "darkmod_readable_mobile" // override the immobile scriptobject "frob_action_script" "" // no frob action script "solid" "1" "model" "models/darkmod/readables/newspaper01_moveable.lwo" "snd_acquire" "tdm_impact_paper" "snd_bounce" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "snd_bounce_carpet" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "snd_bounce_cloth" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "snd_bounce_dirt" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "snd_bounce_grass" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "snd_bounce_snow" "sound/sfx/movement/impacts/package_impact01.ogg" "editor_gui gui_pageN" "Sets which gui page N loads." "editor_var pageN_key" "Sets a gui parameter for page N." "editor_var xdata_contents" "The name of the xdata definition holding the content (text and title) for this readable. This definition is defined inside a xdata file under xdata/." "editor_usage" "Don't use. The base class for all readables" "editor_displayFolder" "Readables" "editor_var trigger_on_open" "Specifies an entity which should be triggered when this readable is opened by the player. Multiple spawnargs with this prefix are possible, e.g. 'trigger_on_open2'." "editor_var trigger_on_close" "Specifies an entity which should be triggered when this readable is closed by the player. Multiple spawnargs with this prefix are possible, e.g. 'trigger_on_close2'." "throwable" "0" // Prevents the item from being thrown around (looks unbelievable) "bouncyness" "0.01" "inv_name" "Readable" // Override this in the subclasses "inv_category" "#str_02391" // Readables "inv_droppable" "1" "inv_icon" "guis/assets/hud/inventory_icons/largebook_icon.tga" // default icon, override this in the subclasses "mass" "1" }