// Each section is a rectangle: rect X,Y,W,H where X=left margin, Y=top margin, W=width, H=height.) windowDef Desktop { rect 0,0,640,480 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480) windowDef ScreenPicture { rect 0,0,640,480 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 as it scales) visible 1 matcolor 1,1,1,1 background "guis/assets/mission_start.tga" // (Enter your screenshot here) } windowDef Overlay { rect 0,0,640,480 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 as it scales) visible 1 matcolor 1,1,1, ( "gui::map_loading" ) background "guis/assets/overlay.tga" // (Enter your screenshot here) } windowDef Candle_stick { rect 0,( 0 + ( "gui::map_loading" * 37) ),640,480 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 as it scales) visible 1 forecolor 1,1,1,1 background "guis/assets/candle_overlay.tga" // (Enter your screenshot here) } windowDef Candle_base { rect 0,0,640,480 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 as it scales) visible 1 forecolor 1,1,1,1 background "guis/assets/candle_base.tga" // (Enter your screenshot here) } windowDef TextFlavour { rect 0,390,640,80 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 so you can space out your text anywhere.) text "" textscale 0.28 // (font size) font "fonts/carleton" // (change to any of the fonts in the Dark Mod fonts folder) textalign 1 // 0=left, 1 = centre, 2=right (space out to adjust) forecolor 1,1,1,1 // text color R,G,B,transparent (0 to 1 each) visible ("gui::map_loading"<1) // (only visible while loading) } windowDef TextLoading { rect 0,410,640,60 // (Leave at 0,0,640,480 so you can space out your text anywhere.) text "" textscale 0.28 // (font size) font "fonts/carleton" // (change to any of the fonts in the Dark Mod fonts folder) textalign 1 // 0=left, 1 = centre, 2=right (space out to adjust) forecolor 1,1,1,1 // text color R,G,B,transparent (0 to 1 each) visible ("gui::map_loading">=1) // (only visible after loading) } onNamedEvent OnRandomValueInitialised { if ("gui::quickloading" == 0) { if ("gui::random_value" < 0.1) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''The term 'thief' can cover anyone from the drunken thug who beats a beggar for his alms, to the merchants who smuggle kidnapped children to sell to southern slave dealers, to the sophisticated burglar who slips in and out of a merchant's townhouse.''"; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Hit the Use key after frobbing a body to shoulder it."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.2) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Being part of a thieves' guild provides the same basic benefits as any other guild: insurance, training, and tricks of the trade.''"; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Tap the Use key quickly to drop a flashbomb at your feet where it won't blind you."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.3) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''If a merchant pays protection money but they are robbed anyway, they are not likely to pay again. This is the main reason why independent thieves are not tolerated within a guild's territory.''"; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Shoot water arrows slightly above flames to douse them more easily."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.4) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Most thieves are brutish thugs who threaten shopkeepers for protection money, or smugglers who move and sell illegal goods. Sophisticated burglars are quite rare.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Vines, pipes and chains can often be climbed."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.5) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Theft and burglary are considered serious crimes, usually punished by branding and mutilation. Theft of Church property is dealt with even more harshly.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Guards with helmets become immune to knockouts when they have their weapons out."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.6) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Thieves guilds are not usually large. Small guilds have only a handful of members, and even the largest have less than a few dozen. Thieves are generally too shifty and selfish to maintain large organizations.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: You can quietly let go of ladders with the Crouch key. "; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.7) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Almost all sea trade is offloaded in the city for transfer to riverboats, which sail up the river Tyne to other ports in the empire. Bridgeport is the most cosmopolitan city in the Empire...if you can't find it in Bridgeport, it can't be found anywhere.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: You can open doors a crack by frobbing them quickly when they start to open."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.8) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Guild memberships, official appointments, tax exemptions, personal favours for friends and family, blatant extortion and bribery, and bending the rules for personal benefit are all well-established means through which powerful groups manipulate their surroundings.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Mines can be triggered by hitting them with an arrow."; } else if ("gui::random_value" < 0.9) { set "TextFlavour::text" "''Vast and sprawling, most who live there go their whole lives without seeing just how expansive it is. Having been built and rebuilt over the centuries, much of the city is a confusing maze of narrow streets and alleyways.'' "; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: Leaning up against a door allows you to eavesdrop on the next room."; } else { set "TextFlavour::text" "''The wards on the eastern side of the river are connected to the west by two massive bridges: Northbridge and Newbridge. Riverboat traffic ferries travellers from one side to the other as well. Smugglers often use ferrymen to avoid paying the hefty bridge tolls.''"; set "TextLoading::text" "Tip: You can mantle while crouched to get into low areas."; } } } windowDef ProgressBarBorder { rect 192,450,256,32 visible ("gui::map_loading"<1) // (only visible while loading) background "guis/loading/generic_loading_bar1.tga" // (the progress bar border image) } windowDef FMLoadingText { rect 243,458,155,16 text "Mission Loading" textscale .2 font "fonts/carleton" textalign 1 forecolor 0.7,0.7,0,1 // text color R,G,B,transparent (0 to 1 each) visible ("gui::map_loading"<1) // (only visible while loading) } windowDef FMLoaded { rect 160,458,320,16 text "Mission Loaded - Please Wait" textscale .2 font "fonts/carleton" textalign 1 forecolor 0.99,0.99,0.99,0.85 // text color R,G,B,transparent (0 to 1 each) visible ("gui::map_loading">=1) // (only visible after loaded) } windowDef ProgressBar { rect 245,459,( "gui::map_loading" * 152 ),13 // (bar width grows with load progress.) backcolor 0.8, 0.3, 0, 0.5 // (color of progress bar) visible ("gui::map_loading"<1) // (only visible while loading) } }