entityDef atdm:moveable_debug_object { "inherit" "atdm:moveable_small_base" "editor_displayFolder" "Moveables/Misc" "model" "-" "mass" "0.6" "friction" "0.1" "bouncyness" "0.1" "snd_bounce" "-" "density" "0.5" "inv_category" "Special" "inv_droppable" "0" "inv_icon" "-" "inv_map_start" "0" "inv_name" "enter inventory name here" "target" "-" "scriptobject" "InvTriggerScript" "editor_setKeyValue model" "select a model" "editor_setKeyValue mass" "0.6" "editor_setKeyValue friction" "0.1" "editor_setKeyValue bouncyness" "0.1" "editor_setKeyValue snd_bounce" "material_cloth ceramic glass metal stone wood_impact" "editor_setKeyValue density" "0.5" "editor_setKeyValue inv_droppable" "0" "editor_setKeyValue inv_icon" "guis/assets/hud/inventory_icons/default" "editor_setKeyValue inv_map_start" "0" "editor_setKeyValue inv_name" "enter inventory name here" "editor_setKeyValue target" "Enter target from inventory here (if any)" "editor_setKeyValue COMMENT" "MODIFY PROPERTIES AS REQUIRED (hover mouse for help.)" "editor_var model" "Select a model (ESSENTIAL.) Some may not have a collision model but OK for non-droppables." "editor_var mass" "Estimate mass in kilos. Change if different" "editor_var friction" "Estimate friction 0 to 1. Change if different" "editor_var bouncyness" "Estimate bouncyness 0 to 1. Change if different" "editor_var snd_bounce" "Delete unwanted material names to leave just one, eg, material_glass_impact" "editor_var density" "Estimate density. 0 to 1 floats in water. Greater sinks. Change if different" "editor_var inv_droppable" "Set to 0 to make non-droppable and 1 to make droppable (must have a collision model if not in inventory.)" "editor_var inv_icon" "Enter icon path/name or leave guis/assets/hud/inventory_icons/default which shows blank (note: if no valid icon it shows as black box.)" "editor_var inv_map_start" "Set to 1 for object to be in player's inventory at map start else 0." "editor_var inv_name" "Enter UNIQUE inventory name here(ESSENTIAL)" "editor_var target" "If you want this object to trigger a target from the inventory 'use' control then enter target entity name here." }