View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002729DarkRadiantMap Editingpublic11.10.2012 19:04
ReporterBaal Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSArch Linux 
Product Version1.5.0 
Target Version1.6.1Fixed in Version1.6.1 
Summary0002729: "Make Visportal" crashes the editor when visportals are filtered.
DescriptionSee summary.
Steps To ReproduceEnable "Visportals" filter and create a visportal from a brush.
TagsNo tags attached.




11.04.2011 15:02

administrator   ~0003800

Last edited: 11.04.2011 15:03

Can't reproduce that - at least in the 1.6.1svn release build I've got here.

You are using 1.5.0? Are you in Linux, perhaps? Maybe you could try to make it crash in 1.6.0?



12.04.2011 23:35

reporter   ~0003802

It exits at an assertion:
brush/Face.cpp:206: void Face::submitRenderables(RenderableCollector&, const Matrix4&) const: Zusicherung »_faceShader.getGLShader()->getMaterial()->isVisible()« nicht erfüllt.

I built it on linux from SVN trunk. But I had to make some adjustments where boost::filesystem::path was used. The boost version I have installed is a recent one with some deprecated stuff removed. Maybe I broke something.


22.04.2011 06:21

administrator   ~0003817

Resolved. On the one hand the assertion was removed, on the other hand I added more visibility checks to the code such that filtered faces are invisible even when dragged out in the orthoview (they were visible before).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
10.04.2011 08:45 Baal New Issue
10.04.2011 17:38 greebo Status new => acknowledged
11.04.2011 15:02 greebo Note Added: 0003800
11.04.2011 15:02 greebo Status acknowledged => feedback
11.04.2011 15:03 greebo Note Edited: 0003800
12.04.2011 23:35 Baal Note Added: 0003802
12.04.2011 23:35 Baal Status feedback => new
20.04.2011 16:42 greebo Status new => confirmed
22.04.2011 06:20 greebo Assigned To => greebo
22.04.2011 06:20 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
22.04.2011 06:20 greebo Target Version => 1.6.1
22.04.2011 06:21 greebo Note Added: 0003817
22.04.2011 06:21 greebo Status assigned => resolved
22.04.2011 06:21 greebo Fixed in Version => 1.6.1
22.04.2011 06:21 greebo Resolution open => fixed
11.10.2012 19:04 greebo Status resolved => closed