View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004638DarkRadiantCompilation/Buildpublic28.12.2019 11:00
Reportergreebo Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.4.0 
Target Version2.5.0Fixed in Version2.5.0 
Summary0004638: Replace boost.format with fmtlib
Descriptionfmtlib is a lightweight library with easier syntax, and can be used in header-only mode.
TagsNo tags attached.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
22.10.2017 05:41 greebo New Issue
22.10.2017 05:41 greebo Assigned To => greebo
22.10.2017 05:41 greebo Status new => assigned
22.10.2017 05:42 greebo Status assigned => resolved
22.10.2017 05:42 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.5.0
22.10.2017 05:42 greebo Resolution open => fixed
28.12.2019 11:00 greebo Status resolved => closed