DarkRadiant: master a4f838ec

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 26.02.2019 21:38 master 2c6c5d24
Changeset Fix bug in DirectoryArchive::containsFile path handling

First bug found as a result of unit tests: the containsFile() code path was
adding an extra trailing slash to the requested filename, which resulted in the
file not being found on UNIX. Probably does not affect the main application
much because nothing is using getFileCount() except for the Python interface
(and now the unit test).
add - radiant/test/data/vfs_root/materials/example.mtr Diff File
mod - radiant/test/vfsTest.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/vfs/DirectoryArchive.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/vfs/Doom3FileSystem.cpp Diff File