DarkRadiant: master 90958ed0

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 02.02.2022 20:49 master 0ffea8f6
Affected Issues  0005885: ReloadDefs moves def_attached light crystals to entity origin
Changeset 0005885: fix loss of attached entity offset after Reload Defs

To render the entity offset, we are using the localToParent matrix
exposed by the ITransformNode interface. However this matrix was only
being set once, when the attachments were constructed, which isn't
sufficiently "sticky" -- the localToParent matrix can easily be
recalculated by code in the attached entity itself.

We now set the localToParent matrix immediately before rendering each
attached entity, ensuring it is always up to date.
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.h Diff File