Released 04/03/2024
  • 0006460: [Feature proposal] Add canCloseDoors spawnarg (Daft Mugi)
  •        0002296: [AI] Zombies close doors and have no opening animation (Daft Mugi)
  • 0005172: [Coding] Improve interaction culling: case when player-visible object is not visible from light (stgatilov)
  • 0006330: [Sound System] Looping WAV sounds continue playing in main menu (stgatilov)
  • 0006271: [Graphics] Merge old and new backend (stgatilov)
  • 0006425: [Mapping] See through ceiling glitch when mantling top shelf (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006389: [Tweaking] Rephrase message about healing potions in Training Mission (nbohr1more)
  • 0006489: [Coding] Volta 2 crashes on mission completion (stgatilov)
  • 0006264: [Sound System] Subtitle improvements (stgatilov)
  • 0006285: [Models] church_altar.pfb prefab missing an entire layer of steps (nbohr1more)
  • 0006316: [Feature proposal] Add Hold Frob for Alternate Interaction (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006268: [Models] Wall safe prefab lock clasps translate wildly if prefab is rotated (Dragofer)
  • 0006479: [Models] Backplate in switch prefab has incorrect skin (Amadeus)
  • 0005284: [Graphics] Remove outdated rendering cvars (stgatilov)
  • 0006457: [Models] Incorrect frobstage_texture for a number of sign models (Amadeus)
  • 0006459: [Mapping] Quality-of-life and bug fixes for Merry Chest prefabs (Amadeus)
  • 0006281: [Textures] blocks_large_sandstone material file calls incorrect diffusemap (Amadeus)
  • 0006464: [Textures] Material "stone/sculpted/rough_grey_dirty_sepia_grey_trim" has wrong normal map. (Amadeus)
  • 0004668: [Textures] textures/darkmod/nature/dirt/dirt_packed_muddy_local.tga does not tile seamlessly (Amadeus)
  • 0006475: [Textures] - incorrect entry - cloth_coarse_cream_dirty (Amadeus)
  • 0004631: [Textures] textures/darkmod/stone/brick/red_sloppymortar_local.tga does not tile properly (Amadeus)
  • 0006355: [Textures] Normal texture for banners broken. (Amadeus)
  • 0006474: [Def / Setup] atdm:fireplace_wooden - def attached models floating above main model (Amadeus)
  • 0006240: [GUI] Create non-story "speech" English subtitle files for stock AI characters (nbohr1more)
  • 0006331: [Coding] Add viewpos to player HUD and screenshot (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006441: [Textures] Request to add texture: Ash_and_coals (nbohr1more)
  • 0006440: [Textures] Mis-aligned normal (nbohr1more)
  • 0006352: [Sound] Vocal clips for Lady02 untrimmed; impedes captioning (Dragofer)
  • 0006284: [Sound System] Renaming of a few Wench sound files (Dragofer)
  • 0006435: [Textures] Missing texture: - textures/darkmod/carpet/runners/ornate_red_black03_end_ed (nbohr1more)
  • 0006363: [Graphics] When diving everything becomes black (stgatilov)
  • 0006300: [Coding] Refactor idImage code for CPU-resident textures (stgatilov)
  • 0006359: [Design/Coding] LOD system - min_lod_bias broken (stgatilov)
  • 0006433: [Models] Broken models: gaps in mesh (nbohr1more)
  • 0006337: [GUI] Misalignment in mission lists (stgatilov)
  • 0006424: [Graphics] Remote camera rendering gives warning and breaks sky (stgatilov)
  • 0006326: [Models] Crash: TDM crashes when modifying the model / skin of the player's head (stgatilov)
  • 0006336: [Coding] Support several independent user addon scripts. (stgatilov)
  • 0006321: [Textures] Weird textures issue w/SVN (TDM 2.12) (stgatilov)
  • 0006320: [Feature proposal] Add New Lean (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006356: [Models] Seperate parts version of window01_curtains01.lwo: requested my Amadeus (nbohr1more)
  • 0005307: [Graphics] Accountant 1: machine arrows have black background (stgatilov)
  • 0006340: [Graphics] Discourage output color depending on input alpha due to gl_dst_alpha (stgatilov)
  • 0006214: [Graphics] Scissoring issue on low renderscale (stgatilov)
  • 0006313: [Coding] Readable GUI sometimes gets stuck on screen (blank) (stgatilov)
  • 0006306: [Coding] Deprecate parallel lights (stgatilov)
  • 0006228: [Graphics] Fog has banding in "Marsh of Rahena"
  • 0005915: [Distribution] Investigate storing uncompressed FMs in SVN (stgatilov)
  • 0006270: [Coding] Multiloot feature breaks game sometimes (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006345: [Script/Def] Moor ragdoll def uses non-existent model (Dragofer)
  • 0006259: [Coding] Player falls through moving platform on shouldering animation (STiFU)
  • 0006329: [Script/Def] CFrobLock doesn't support basic "locked" script events (Dragofer)
  • 0006338: [Mapping] Fix presentation of official FMs in mission list (Dragofer)
  • 0006243: [Coding] Light volumes that should be culled bleeding into other vizleafs (stgatilov)
  • 0006342: [GUI] Add a "Fade In Fast" Option for the FrobHelper (STiFU)
  • 0006289: [Models] Please added the following covered models to TDM 2.12 (Dragofer)
  • 0006325: [General] Text entity - should include necessary args by default; have to manually create (Dragofer)
  • 0006333: [Coding] Jumping player sometimes pauses at top on very high FPS (stgatilov)
  • 0006283: [Coding] Support aspect ratio corrections for fonts (stgatilov)
  • 0005892: [Feature proposal] Cant mantle while carring a body (nbohr1more)
  • 0006294: [GUI] Final save name is cut off in the GUI (stgatilov)
  • 0006315: [Def / Setup] atdm:lamp_electric_square_3_lit_unattached - mistakes in def (nbohr1more)
  • 0006257: [Feature proposal] Add auto-search bodies option (Daft Mugi)
  • 0006312: [Models] Borked UV's on Stove models (nbohr1more)
  • 0006307: [TDM Installer] tdm_installer: fails to build: missing include: cstdint (stgatilov)
  • 0006292: [Physics] Projectiles don't collide with player at certain angles (nbohr1more)
  • 0006296: [Graphics] CreateLightDefInteractions optimization (stgatilov)
  • 0006099: [Coding] Entity bounds not conservative for animated models (stgatilov)
  • 0006262: [Sound System] Allow subtitles to display beyond sound duration (stgatilov)
  • 0006224: [Feature proposal] Extend location separator dmap warnings to portal settings (stgatilov)
  • 0006293: [Models] Please add to core mod (nbohr1more)
  • 0005868: [Graphics] Interactions rendering with polygonOffset (stgatilov)
  • 0006280: [Coding] Default constructor and initialization (stgatilov)
  • 0006282: [Graphics] Add noPortalFog flag to light entities (nbohr1more)
  • 0006279: [Coding] Clarify matrix conventions in the code (stgatilov)
  • 0006256: [Coding] Auto lock picking cannot succeed on first attempt (stgatilov)
  • 0005990: [Coding] Entity scissors sometimes loose (stgatilov)
  • 0006242: [Coding] cvar 'tdm_toggle_creep' does nothing (nbohr1more)
  • 0006322: [Def / Setup] Can we get the following spawnargs added to TDM?
  • 0005579: [Sound] "Mission Success" Audio Broken
80 issues View Issues