View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003995DarkRadiantDesign/Codingpublic07.07.2015 09:26
Reportergreebo Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.0.1 
Target Version2.0.2Fixed in Version2.0.2 
Summary0003995: Redesign mouse interaction code used in 3D- and orthoviews
DescriptionThe goal is to allow modules to add custom mouse tools to the ortho- and camera views using a proper interface. Except for the RMB-activated ortho context menu there should not be any hardcoded tools built into the CamWnd and XYWnd classes.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003978 closedgreebo Some mouse operations are breaking when cursor is moved beyond the view 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
28.12.2014 11:52 greebo New Issue
28.12.2014 11:52 greebo Assigned To => greebo
28.12.2014 11:52 greebo Status new => assigned
28.12.2014 11:53 greebo Relationship added related to 0003978
28.12.2014 11:54 greebo Status assigned => resolved
28.12.2014 11:54 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.0.2
28.12.2014 11:54 greebo Resolution open => fixed
07.07.2015 09:26 greebo Status resolved => closed