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0004293The Dark ModAIpublic08.03.2016 10:56
ReporterSpooks Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionno change required 
OSWindowsOS Version7 
Product VersionTDM 2.03 
Summary0004293: AI visual acuity argument appears to be broken
DescriptionSetting the visual acuity argument on an AI to anything besides 1.00 (0 to 0.99) does not reduce their visual acuity but does render them completely blind. Unsure if this is TDM or DR's fault, but it appears to be an on/off switch rather than a percentage slider as it stands.
Steps To ReproduceSet up 3 unarmed AI in a brightly lit testmap. Set one AI to visual acuity of 1, the next to 0.5 and the third to 0. While the first AI will be able to see you, the other two will only be able to raise their alert levels by aural and tactile stimuli.
Additional InformationTested on Dark Radiant 2.0.3 x64. Unsure if this problem extends to audio and tactile acuity because those are harder to test. The workaround to this is using the drunk factor, but while this works for reducing visual acuity, it also reduces all other senses and is obviously a workaround rather than a solution.
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Agent Jones

Agent Jones

05.03.2016 15:29

reporter   ~0008049

Last edited: 05.03.2016 15:48

from a quick testing round, giving any value (including 1) to the AI for acuity_vis makes them blind because all the acuity values are divided by 100 in idAI::Spawn, and setting a value of 0.99 for acuity_vis will return you 0.00999999978. Given that the default value in float tempFloat = spawnArgs.GetFloat( va("acuity_%s", g_Global.m_AcuityNames[ind].c_str()), "100" ); is "100" makes me think that maybe the values were originally intended to be on a 1-100 scale.
Giving them integer values between 1 and 100 seems to work properly. A value of 50 makes them spot me at half the distance of 100.



08.03.2016 02:25

viewer   ~0008050

acuity_vis is a percentage value in the range of 0->100.

Where does it say it's supposed to be 0->1.00?

From tdm_ai_base_def:

"editor_float acuity_vis" "AI visual acuity (in percent)"

"acuity_vis" "100"
Agent Jones

Agent Jones

08.03.2016 09:21

reporter   ~0008051

The range in DarkRadiant's AI menu is 0->1.00


08.03.2016 10:51

viewer   ~0008052

Last edited: 08.03.2016 10:52

Ok, I see that.

This problem should be filed against Dark Radiant, not the Dark Mod.



08.03.2016 10:55

viewer   ~0008053

Last edited: 08.03.2016 10:56

I'm closing this problem.

Please reopen it against Dark Radiant, and be more specific:

"The AI tab shows visual AND audio acuities ranging from 0->1.00. They should range from 0->100."

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
05.03.2016 12:19 Spooks New Issue
05.03.2016 15:29 Agent Jones Note Added: 0008049
05.03.2016 15:48 Agent Jones Note Edited: 0008049
08.03.2016 02:25 grayman Note Added: 0008050
08.03.2016 09:21 Agent Jones Note Added: 0008051
08.03.2016 10:51 grayman Note Added: 0008052
08.03.2016 10:52 grayman Note Edited: 0008052
08.03.2016 10:55 grayman Note Added: 0008053
08.03.2016 10:55 grayman Status new => closed
08.03.2016 10:55 grayman Resolution open => no change required
08.03.2016 10:56 grayman Note Edited: 0008053