DarkRadiant: master 261ce750

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 10.04.2024 20:23 master c6280c31
Changeset Skin Editor layout improvements

- Add a top-level sizer to the window. Previously there was no sizer at
  all, and the return value of loadNamedPanel() was being ignored rather
  than packed into the top-level window's sizer. This might have been
  a factor in the previous layout issues.
- The immediate result of adding a top-level sizer with SetSizerAndFit()
  is that the window can no longer be shrunk to zero size, but obeys the
  size hints of the contents.
- Set the LIVE_UPDATE flag on the main splitter so that the contents are
  updated when the sash is dragged. GTK does not show any feedback at
  all without this flag (the quick sash preview mode is broken).
- Set minimum sizes on the main splitter so that the panels cannot be
  dragged to zero size.
- Set the sash gravity to 0.5 so that resizing the window causes both
  panels to resize evenly, rather than only resizing the right-hand
mod - install/ui/skineditor.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/skineditor.xrc Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/skin/SkinEditor.cpp Diff File