DarkRadiant: master 9e71009e

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 06.10.2020 19:33 master 1ea1614b
Changeset Minor refactor of projected light frustum rendering

Frustum has a new method getCornerPoint() which accepts two enum parameters
specifying the end plane (front or back) and the corner point (top/bottom
right/left), and returns the corner point defined by the intersection of the
appropriate three planes. RenderLightProjection now calls getCornerPoint()
rather than calculating the intersection points itself.

Also moved a couple of OpenGL render methods out of entitylib.h since they are
only used by RenderLightProjection::render().
mod - libs/entitylib.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Frustum.h Diff File
mod - radiant/entity/light/Renderables.cpp Diff File