DarkRadiant: master f55c0b58

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 21.10.2020 20:09 master d28e96c7
Changeset Merge branch 'topic/camrenderer-light-intersections'

Integrate changes which enable light intersection calculations by CamRenderer,
rather than the old LightList system, although for brushes only so far. This
means that brushes will no longer be illuminated by phantom lights generated by
the model preview widget.
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/entitylib.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/AABB.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Frustum.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Vector3.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/SimpleFrontendRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiant/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/brush/Face.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/brush/Face.h Diff File
mod - radiant/brush/FaceInstance.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/brush/FaceInstance.h Diff File
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/entity/light/Light.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/entity/light/Renderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYRenderer.h Diff File