DarkRadiant: master 23fa125e

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 11.12.2020 13:18 master 87d3189d
Changeset Install libraries to correct location in non-relocatable build

The previous CMakeLists.txt was always installing libraries to
/usr/lib/darkradiant regardless of the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR, resulting
in a broken Debian package (where the modules actually end up in

We now correctly use the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR to set the installation
path as well as the RPATH.
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - debian/darkradiant-plugins-darkmod.install Diff File
mod - debian/darkradiant.install Diff File
mod - libs/module/ApplicationContextBase.cpp Diff File