DarkRadiant: master d5470cc8

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 14.04.2024 16:09 master e06a1629
Changeset Reclaim some space in SurfaceInspector dialog

Remove largely useless "Texture Properties" and "Texture Operations"
labels, which in turn allows the removal of an extra 18 pixels of
indentation. Shorten some labels (e.g. "Horiz. Shift" is now "X Shift"
and "Rotation" is now "Rotate"). Slightly reduce minimum size of Fit
spin boxes.

Note that because the wxWidgets AUI system saves the minimum size of
each window into preferences, changes to size hints in code do not have
any effect unless user.xml is wiped out.
mod - radiant/ui/surfaceinspector/SurfaceInspector.cpp Diff File