Changesets: DarkRadiant

master 98d4a7f0

25.04.2020 15:46


Details Diff
Fix compilation in OSX
mod - radiant/map/algorithm/Import.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/map/format/portable/PortableMapReader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/selection/selectionset/SelectionSetToolmenu.cpp Diff File

master c652a7f5

25.04.2020 15:21


Details Diff
Update Xcode project
mod - tools/xcode/DarkRadiant.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj Diff File

master a606a621

25.04.2020 11:09


Details Diff
0005226: Add "Select Parent Entities" command to select the parent entity of any selected child primitive (deselecting the children). Affected Issues
mod - install/input.xml Diff File
mod - install/menu.xml Diff File
mod - radiant/selection/algorithm/General.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/selection/algorithm/Group.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/selection/algorithm/Group.h Diff File

master a9311bff

24.04.2020 18:41


Details Diff
0005098: Make the pfbx file format the default when exporting prefabs.
Plus some refactoring in the FileChooser class - it is still an unpleasant if-else construct.
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.h Diff File
mod - radiant/map/MapFileManager.cpp Diff File

master d4c5277b

24.04.2020 18:41


Details Diff
0005089: Make the pfbx file format the default when exporting prefabs.
Plus some refactoring in the FileChooser class - it is still an unpleasant if-else construct.
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.h Diff File
mod - radiant/map/MapFileManager.cpp Diff File

master 44ffe939

24.04.2020 14:55


Details Diff
0005199: Prevent classname spawnarg from being removed by Cutting them out.
Also, prevent the Entity Inspector from crashing DR if an entity should have an empty classname.
Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

master ced0c501

24.04.2020 14:37


Details Diff
0005175: FileChooser pre-selects the correct file filter based on a non-empty existing filename Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/FileChooser.h Diff File

master 77c146f5

24.04.2020 14:19


Details Diff
0005175: Portable mapx file extension should be listed in the Map Open file chooser dialogs. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/map/MapFileManager.cpp Diff File

master fe0ce19d

24.04.2020 13:50


Details Diff
0005176: To let newly created brushes use the last remembered shader, pre-select the stored material in the Media Browsers Affected Issues
mod - radiant/selection/shaderclipboard/ShaderClipboard.cpp Diff File

master 92b82769

23.04.2020 04:57


Details Diff
0005140: Fix ToggleFullscreenCamera in Regular and Regular Left layouts Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/mainframe/RegularLayout.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/mainframe/RegularLayout.h Diff File

master bd5abeed

23.04.2020 04:38


Details Diff
0005140: Fix ToggleFullscreenCamera in EmbeddedLayout Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/mainframe/EmbeddedLayout.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/mainframe/EmbeddedLayout.h Diff File

master 602afdae

22.04.2020 20:02


Details Diff
Use EntityClassChooser for choosing entity class in Difficulty editor

The previous dropdown for choosing an entity class did not make it easy to
select the correct entity class out of the hundreds of values (at least on
GTK). Now there are two widgets: a text entry which allows a class to be typed
in (but still offers autocompletion), and an adjacent button which shows the
regular EntityClassChooser for choosing an entity class interactively.

In order to allow the Difficulty editor to use the EntityClassChooser, the
latter class has been moved from the radiant module into libs/wxutil. It still
retains its previous behaviour of maintaining a static singleton instance to
avoid repeatedly populating the large list of entity classes; hopefully this
use of a static won't cause any problems now that the class is in wxutil.

As well as improving usability, this change also removes the noticeable delay
(around 1 second on my machine) when showing the DifficultyEditor, caused by
the costly population of three different wxChoice widgets with a complete list
of entity classes.
mod - install/ui/difficultyeditor.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/difficultyeditor.xrc Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/ Diff File
mod - plugins/dm.difficulty/DifficultyEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/dm.difficulty/DifficultyEditor.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/ClassnamePropertyEditor.cpp Diff File
rm - radiant/ui/entitychooser/EntityClassChooser.cpp Diff
rm - radiant/ui/entitychooser/EntityClassChooser.h Diff
rm - radiant/ui/entitychooser/EntityClassTreePopulator.cpp Diff
rm - radiant/ui/entitychooser/EntityClassTreePopulator.h Diff
mod - radiant/ui/ortho/OrthoContextMenu.cpp Diff File

master b2f42b90

22.04.2020 20:01


Details Diff
Set -Og as debug compilation option on Linux

-Og is recommended instead of -O0 by GCC manual to provide optimal debugging
mod - Diff File

master 457ad211

21.04.2020 16:18


Details Diff
Update German localisation
mod - install/i18n/darkradiant.pot Diff File
mod - install/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - install/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/darkradiant.po Diff File
mod - tools/i18n/darkradiant.pot Diff File

master bf99d45c

21.04.2020 06:13


Details Diff
Fix compilation in gcc
mod - radiant/map/EditingStopwatch.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/map/Map.h Diff File
mod - radiant/model/ModelScalePreserver.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/model/ModelScalePreserver.h Diff File

master bb74f556

21.04.2020 04:54


Details Diff
Another attempt to fix msbuild hanging after launched through the compile_release_package PS script.
mod - include/version.h Diff File
mod - tools/innosetup/darkradiant.x64.iss Diff File
mod - tools/scripts/compile_release_package.ps1 Diff File

master e8021a89

21.04.2020 04:14


Details Diff
0005134: Fix 'Reload models' revealing hidden models.
This time around, copy *all* visibility flags from the parent node to the model node after refreshing
Affected Issues
mod - libs/scenelib.h Diff File
mod - radiant/entity/ModelKey.cpp Diff File

master bef72505

20.04.2020 17:55


Details Diff
Resolve 0005222: Collapsing a single node in the wxutil::TreeView will now (by default) collapse all of its children too. Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/TreeView.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/TreeView.h Diff File

master 58c8a995

20.04.2020 14:12


Details Diff
0005147: Entity Inspector options 'Show help' and 'Show Inherited' are now persisted between sessions Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.h Diff File

master 296203f6

20.04.2020 11:33


Details Diff
Fix 0005148: Entity Inspector's help text area is not updating its contents when the "Show Help" option is checked. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

master b2abd530

20.04.2020 11:03


Details Diff
0005176: Let DR remember the shader in ShaderClipboard after closing, it's saved in each map's root node properties Affected Issues
mod - radiant/selection/shaderclipboard/ShaderClipboard.cpp Diff File

master 19142cad

20.04.2020 10:35


Details Diff
Fix Texture Browser filter entry box rendered below the buttons after activating it through the preference dialog
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowser.cpp Diff File

master a2e190e2

20.04.2020 10:14


Details Diff
0005219: Add option to texture browser to show "Other Materials", whose material names don't start with the usual "textures/" prefix Affected Issues
mod - install/user.xml Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowser.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowserManager.cpp Diff File

master b2372ace

20.04.2020 10:04


Details Diff
Remove duplicated code in TextureTile class.
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowser.cpp Diff File

master 63db94ca

20.04.2020 05:42


Details Diff
Fix 0005214: Changing classname moves entity back to the 'Default' layer Affected Issues
mod - libs/entitylib.h Diff File
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