Changesets: DarkRadiant

5792_debug 4b9b9143

02.11.2021 18:35


Details Diff
0005792: Recalculate the origin directly when zooming in on the cursor Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File

master 611a200e

02.11.2021 04:04


Details Diff
0005613: Fix the behaviour when moving a func_static while worldspawn primitives are selected too Affected Issues
mod - libs/selection/CollectiveSpawnargs.h Diff File

master d1cddacc

02.11.2021 03:56


Details Diff
0005613: Add unit test covering another problem: origin key is appearing when moving a func_static with worldspawn primitives being selected too. The origin key should remain hidden since worldspawn doesn't have it. Affected Issues
mod - test/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

master 74a47d19

02.11.2021 03:09


Details Diff
0005613: Remove wrong assertion Affected Issues
mod - libs/selection/CollectiveSpawnargs.h Diff File

renderer 48d06331

01.11.2021 18:23


Details Diff
0005613: Each Shader is now maintaining VBOs to store the surface data
mod - libs/render/IndexedVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File

renderer 3c324a5f

01.11.2021 18:23


Details Diff
0005584: Each Shader is now maintaining VBOs to store the surface data Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/IndexedVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File

renderer 775f8d7f

01.11.2021 15:30


Details Diff
0005613: Add the ability to attach surface geometry to the Shader object itself - this just serves a hacky proof of concept.
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.h Diff File

renderer b2fd9ab2

01.11.2021 15:30


Details Diff
0005584: Add the ability to attach surface geometry to the Shader object itself - this just serves a hacky proof of concept. Affected Issues
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.h Diff File

renderer f00364ba

01.11.2021 10:02


Details Diff
0005584: Minor refactoring Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File

renderer 5b29f123

01.11.2021 09:26


Details Diff
0005584: We can use the world AABB to perform the front-end culling of single model nodes, it is already oriented using localAABB and local2World. Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/StaticModelNode.cpp Diff File

renderer 4c2e7335

01.11.2021 09:12


Details Diff
0005584: Use a static identity Matrix4 in Doom3GroupNode::renderSolid/renderWireframe Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/entity/doom3group/Doom3GroupNode.cpp Diff File

renderer a9e77a3b

01.11.2021 08:10


Details Diff
0005584: Use std::unordered_map to have faster lookups, the CamRenderer::addRenderable method is no longer contributing in the profiler. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File

renderer 1eee48d4

01.11.2021 07:53


Details Diff
0005584: Purge any shaders that have not been used the last frame, to prevent introducing a long-running memory leak.
Re-using the CamRenderer container memory reduces the time needed to render 100 frames from 8.7 to 7.7 seconds.
Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File

renderer 8dc31253

01.11.2021 07:36


Details Diff
0005584: CamWnd keeps the CamRenderer instance around. The LitRenderables map is now emptied, but the memory is not freed to avoid re-allocating a million entries every frame. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.h Diff File

renderer 1d054538

01.11.2021 05:42


Details Diff
0005584: Add camera benchmark method Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/GlobalXYWnd.cpp Diff File

master 06fe04cd

01.11.2021 05:04


Details Diff
0005794: Hide the offline user guide item. The windows build doesn't process the ascii doc sources yet. Affected Issues
mod - install/menu.xml Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/UserInterfaceModule.cpp Diff File

5792_debug c558c49b

01.11.2021 04:38


Details Diff
0005792: Add logging output to XYWnd scrolling methods Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File

wireframe_rendering 83c21865

31.10.2021 15:17


Details Diff
0005795: PatchNode is rebuilding the selected vertex array only when necessary Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File

wireframe_rendering aba19372

31.10.2021 14:55


Details Diff
0005795: Remove the bounds check in the StaticModelNode::renderWireframe method. This is already handled by the space partition system. Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/StaticModelNode.cpp Diff File

wireframe_rendering 115cdd26

31.10.2021 13:09


Details Diff
0005795: Only run tests in evaluateViewDependent() if the visibility of any face actually changed. This can be the case either by forcing a brush to be visible or by its material filter status. Affected Issues
mod - libs/scene/Node.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.cpp Diff File

wireframe_rendering f35bc34b

31.10.2021 08:58


Details Diff
0005795: Add benchmark code for development Affected Issues
mod - libs/debugging/ScopedDebugTimer.h Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/GlobalXYWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/GlobalXYWnd.h Diff File

wireframe_rendering 3cdb2cb7

31.10.2021 08:32


Details Diff
Overwrite any files when re-extracting the windows dependencies
mod - tools/scripts/download_windeps.ps1 Diff File

master 1df6f1c0

30.10.2021 14:46


Details Diff
0005792: When zooming in on the cursor position, keep the world point below the mouse cursor constant.
Fix the ultra-fast zooming on sensitive mouse wheels, only zoom in or out by one step, like the old-style zoom methods.
Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File

master 9006af6a

30.10.2021 10:57


Details Diff
Update Xcode project
mod - tools/xcode/DarkRadiant.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj Diff File

master 90530c53

30.10.2021 10:45


Details Diff
Fix the DLL loading error message not being sent to the error stream, it's 16-bit text that needs to be converted first.
mod - libs/module/DynamicLibrary.cpp Diff File
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