DarkRadiant: master 61661821

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
greebo greebo master 05.05.2018 19:11 master 3d2e4d86
Affected Issues  0004790: Crash on auto map load on application startup
Changeset Fix 0004790: Crash on auto map load on application startup. This was due to some sort of data race, shaders were not realised in time for the Faces to acquire the material visibility information. We now realise the rendersystem directly in the extensionsInitialised() method automatically before firing the signal to observers. The OpenGLModule no longer needs to explicitly realise the rendersystem.
mod - include/version.h Diff File
mod - radiant/render/OpenGLModule.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/render/OpenGLRenderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - tools/innosetup/darkradiant.iss Diff File
mod - tools/innosetup/darkradiant.x64.iss Diff File