DarkRadiant: master 57e5a59c

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
orbweaver orbweaver master 23.06.2021 19:18 master b564f2fc
Changeset Improve GL error handling in DDSImage

- Move debug::assertNoGlErrors() into a similar function
  debug::checkGLErrors(), which does not require debug builds and also returns
  the last error detected. The legacy assertNoGlErrors() is a wrapper for this
  new function with the additional NDEBUG check.
- DDSImage calls checkGLErrors() after each mipmap upload, reporting any
  failure to the console. This confirms that there is a GL_INVALID_VALUE error
  when attempting to upload the NPOT mipmaps.
mod - libs/debugging/gl.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/imagefile/dds.cpp Diff File