DarkRadiant: selectionfocus 64a1a75b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
greebo greebo selectionfocus 01.11.2022 14:53 selectionfocus be293b46
Affected Issues  0006145: Selection Focus
Changeset 0006145: Move more logic to the ISceneSelectionTester implementations

Each ISceneSelectionTester is now storing the resulting list internally,
providing a foreachSelectable() method to access them. This removes some control
from client code, since the Selector implementation can no longer be chosen freely.
mod - include/iselectiontest.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/RadiantSelectionSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/SceneSelectionTesters.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/SceneSelectionTesters.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/manipulators/DragManipulator.cpp Diff File
mod - test/resources/tdm/maps/selection_test2.map Diff File