View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001620DarkRadiantModelspublic20.01.2009 17:30
Reporterangua Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version0.9.10Fixed in Version0.9.10 
Summary0001620: Filters menu in model chooser is gone
Descriptionit's still there in the entity chooser
Steps To ReproduceHave to open Entity Chooser first.
TagsNo tags attached.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
11.01.2009 08:51 angua New Issue
12.01.2009 09:26 greebo Status new => confirmed
12.01.2009 10:43 greebo Projection none => minor fix
12.01.2009 10:43 greebo ETA none => half an hour
12.01.2009 10:43 greebo Target Version => 0.9.10
20.01.2009 16:55 greebo Steps to Reproduce Updated
20.01.2009 17:07 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
20.01.2009 17:07 greebo Assigned To => greebo
20.01.2009 17:11 greebo Status assigned => resolved
20.01.2009 17:11 greebo Fixed in Version => 0.9.10
20.01.2009 17:11 greebo Resolution open => fixed
20.01.2009 17:30 angua Status resolved => closed