View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001911DarkRadiantDesign/Codingpublic29.05.2010 16:36
ReporterNightprowler Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindows Vista Home Premium x64 
Product Version0.10.0 
Target Version1.0.0Fixed in Version1.0.0 
Summary0001911: "Select Entities only” setting prevents “Duplicate” function from executing.
Description"Select Entities Only”setting prevents Duplicate”function from executing.

Expected Behaviour: It is expected that the "Duplicate" function be enabled while the "Select Entities Only" flag is active.
Steps To Reproduce1. Select the "Select Entities" button from the toolbar.
2. Right-click the Orthographic Viewport.
3. Select "Create Entity."
4. Select "Keys/atdm:key_fancy01."
5. Press the [SPACEBAR] in order to attempt to duplicate the selected "key" entity.
6. Press the [J] key in order to open the "Entity List" window.
7. Select "" in order to expand the entity list.
8. Observe that the "key" entity did not duplicate, as there is only one key in the list.
Additional Information- This issue breaks workflow and confuses the user; especially when the Entity List window is closed.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
17.08.2009 02:17 Nightprowler New Issue
17.08.2009 05:20 greebo Status new => acknowledged
29.08.2009 10:42 greebo Status acknowledged => confirmed
29.08.2009 10:46 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
29.08.2009 10:46 greebo Assigned To => greebo
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Status assigned => resolved
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Fixed in Version => 0.10.1
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Resolution open => fixed
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Projection none => minor fix
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo ETA none => 5 minutes
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Build => 4731
29.08.2009 10:47 greebo Target Version => 0.10.1
29.05.2010 16:36 greebo Status resolved => closed