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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003865The Dark ModSoundpublic08.10.2014 01:37
ReporterSpringheel Assigned ToSpringheel  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 2.03 
Target VersionTDM 2.03Fixed in VersionTDM 2.03 
Summary0003865: Create new bark
DescriptionWhen barks are heard by other AI (i.e. "help me!"), a message accompanies the bark. I found that there was code for "guard this location" and "guard this entity" messages, both of which could be used in coordinated searches. But I don't see code support for appropriate barks to accompany those messages, nor am I aware of bark sets for them.

I wasn't aware of that. I could probably make something using the warning barks though--they have phrases like "stay alert" or "keep a sharp eye out" that could fit.
TagsNo tags attached.




04.10.2014 12:09

administrator   ~0007048

Also, confirm that all vocal sets have the "I'll help you look" barks; they would be useful in coordinated searches as well.


04.10.2014 15:05

administrator   ~0007049

Last edited: 05.10.2014 19:40

Adding the following vocaldefs:

 // These are barks used during coordinated searches
        "snd_state4SeenNoEvidence_c" "tdm_ai_lord_searching_evidence_company" //knows there is someone; with friends
        "snd_state4SeenEvidence_c" "tdm_ai_lord_searching_no_evidence_company" //knows there is intruder; with friends
        "snd_giveOrder" "tdm_ai_lord_give_order"
        "snd_helpSearch" "tdm_ai_lord_help_search"

Completed pro, lord, and drunk so far
all builders now done
edit: all females now done
edit: monsters, undead, thug now done
edit: grumbler, critic, jack

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
04.10.2014 12:06 Springheel New Issue
04.10.2014 12:06 Springheel Status new => assigned
04.10.2014 12:06 Springheel Assigned To => Springheel
04.10.2014 12:09 Springheel Note Added: 0007048
04.10.2014 15:05 Springheel Note Added: 0007049
04.10.2014 15:30 Springheel Note Edited: 0007049
04.10.2014 17:14 Springheel Note Edited: 0007049
05.10.2014 17:53 Springheel Note Edited: 0007049
05.10.2014 19:40 Springheel Note Edited: 0007049
08.10.2014 01:37 Springheel Status assigned => resolved
08.10.2014 01:37 Springheel Fixed in Version => TDM 2.03
08.10.2014 01:37 Springheel Resolution open => fixed