View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003999DarkRadiantRendererpublic07.07.2015 09:26
Reportersotha_sil Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.0.1 
Target Version2.0.2Fixed in Version2.0.2 
Summary0003999: Texture Tool sometimes not drawing, render area is just grey
DescriptionSimilar to the bugs we had in the past, there are non-identity modelview matrices leaking into the TexTool's render context.

Found by sotha:
Steps To ReproduceOpen DR in Embedded Layout
Don't move or zoom the XY views!
Shift-P to create a patch, assign any decal
Ctrl-Shift-T to open TexTool, patch is drawn
Close TexTool
Zoom out the XY view by some levels
Open TexTool again, the render area is now smaller and off base.
TagsNo tags attached.


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
31.12.2014 03:15 greebo New Issue
31.12.2014 03:15 greebo Status new => assigned
31.12.2014 03:15 greebo Assigned To => greebo
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Reporter greebo => sotha_sil
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Description Updated
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Steps to Reproduce Updated
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Status assigned => resolved
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.0.2
31.12.2014 03:17 greebo Resolution open => fixed
07.07.2015 09:26 greebo Status resolved => closed