View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004088DarkRadiantMap Editingpublic07.01.2016 13:04
Reporteruser81Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.0.2 
Target Version2.0.3Fixed in Version2.0.3 
Summary0004088: Layers: after "Hide All", showing a single layer doesn't make it the default layer
DescriptionWhen drag-creating new brushes, it will get assigned to the hidden default layer (the one marked with an asterisk).
Steps To Reproduce- Open a map with layers
- Hide All layers
- Show one layer that is not the default one
- Drag-create a brush
- The brush is created in the still hidden default layer
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
10.02.2015 17:43 greebo New Issue
10.02.2015 17:43 greebo Reporter greebo => user81
10.02.2015 17:43 greebo Status new => confirmed
14.02.2015 15:58 greebo Assigned To => greebo
14.02.2015 15:58 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
15.02.2015 14:43 greebo Status assigned => resolved
15.02.2015 14:43 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.0.3
15.02.2015 14:43 greebo Resolution open => fixed
15.02.2015 14:43 greebo Target Version => 2.0.3
07.01.2016 13:04 greebo Status resolved => closed