View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006258The Dark ModGraphicspublic07.01.2025 21:25
ReporterDaft Mugi Assigned Tostgatilov  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product VersionSVN 
Summary0006258: Proxy models (_roth_gen) are not generated on saved game load
DescriptionIf the player has not first started the mission with "Start this mission" and instead loads a saved game,
they will see black cubes for models that require a proxy model (models/_roth_gen).

As a workaround, the player must first quit the game, launch the game, and "Start this mission."
After the mission starts, the player can load their saved game and not see black cubes.

Should there be a check on saved game load or would that slow down loading?
Steps To Reproduce1. Launch game.
2. Play "William Steele 1: In the North".
3. setviewpos -1514.65 3320.1 -617.75 20 0 0
4. Save game.
5. Exit game.
6. Delete "./models/_roth_gen"
7. Launch game.
8. Load saved game. (./models/_roth_gen not generated)
9. See cubes.

Workaround fix:
1. Exit game.
2. Launch game.
3. "Start this mission" (This generates ./models/_roth_gen)
4. Load saved game.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0004970 resolvedstgatilov Avoid problems with rotation-resized models 


Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

16.02.2023 05:43

developer   ~0015945



08.12.2023 15:48

administrator   ~0016230

As far as I understand, the problem never happens unless player either deletes _roth_gen manually or takes a savefile created on another TDM installation.
So I think this is not critical, but would be nice to fix (to avoid us researching why models don't load every time).

2.13 seems like a proper target to me =)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
16.02.2023 05:43 Daft Mugi New Issue
16.02.2023 05:44 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015945
16.02.2023 05:44 Daft Mugi File Added: ws1_north_77aee0cc9a0faed8 (2023-02-15 23-28-42) (-1514.65 3320.1 -617.75).jpg
16.02.2023 05:44 Daft Mugi File Added: ws1_north_77aee0cc9a0faed8 (2023-02-15 23-29-42) (-1514.65 3320.1 -617.75).jpg
16.02.2023 05:46 Daft Mugi Relationship added related to 0004970
04.12.2023 01:55 Daft Mugi Product Version TDM 2.11 => TDM 2.12
04.12.2023 01:56 Daft Mugi Product Version TDM 2.12 => SVN
04.12.2023 01:56 Daft Mugi Target Version => TDM 2.12
05.12.2023 01:30 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
05.12.2023 02:30 Daft Mugi Assigned To => stgatilov
05.12.2023 02:30 Daft Mugi Status new => assigned
08.12.2023 15:48 stgatilov Note Added: 0016230
07.01.2025 21:25 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.13 =>