View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006288The Dark ModModelspublic01.06.2024 23:26
ReporterFrost_Salamander Assigned ToAmadeus  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version11
Product VersionTDM 2.11 
Fixed in VersionTDM 2.13 
Summary0006288: endtable_001.lwo has no shadow mesh
DescriptionThis model doesn't cast any shadows (see attached screenshot). This was raised by at least 2 beta testers during testing of High Expectations.

As a workaround I created one out of brushes using shadow texture and attached it to the model.

It's a fine model - would be good to get it fixed.
Additional InformationSee attached screenshot
Tagsmodel, shadows
Attached Files
image.png (3,288,070 bytes)




10.05.2024 21:42

reporter   ~0016689

No idea if it's up to scratch, but I've attached my own version that I made in DR and exported.
endtable001_shadow.ase (348,163 bytes)


01.06.2024 22:26

reporter   ~0016718

I created a shadowmesh and re-exported the model, see attached.
endtable_001.lwo (47,190 bytes)


01.06.2024 23:26

developer   ~0016719

Fixed in rev 17045

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
10.04.2023 10:50 Frost_Salamander New Issue
10.04.2023 10:50 Frost_Salamander File Added: image.png
30.12.2023 08:01 Fiver Tag Attached: shadows
30.12.2023 08:01 Fiver Tag Attached: model
10.05.2024 21:42 Frost_Salamander Note Added: 0016689
10.05.2024 21:42 Frost_Salamander File Added: endtable001_shadow.ase
01.06.2024 22:26 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016718
01.06.2024 22:26 Bikerdude File Added: endtable_001.lwo
01.06.2024 23:26 Amadeus Assigned To => Amadeus
01.06.2024 23:26 Amadeus Status new => resolved
01.06.2024 23:26 Amadeus Fixed in Version => TDM 2.13
01.06.2024 23:26 Amadeus Note Added: 0016719