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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006463The Dark ModCodingpublic04.01.2025 00:06
ReporterFiver Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS Version11 Bullseye
Product VersionTDM 2.11 
Summary0006463: Cannot immediately use touchpad when rotating objects or when moving
DescriptionTouchpad works as expected when player is standing still and it is used to turn player in any direction.

It is not possible to rotate objects using a touchpad without first holding down shift before pressing z. Only pressing z will not work.

* Using a mouse, objects can be rotated in all directions (expected)
* Using a pointing stick (aka trackpoint), objects can be rotated in all directions (expected)
* Using a gamepad, objects can be rotated in most directions (expected) except direction roll, as reported in 0006462
* Using a touchpad, objects cannot (immediately) be rotated in any direction (unexpected)

It is not possible to rotate player using touchpad when moving in any direction (forward, backward, strife) without first holding down ctrl or shift before pressing any of wasd-keys. Using a mouse in combination with wasd works as expected.
Steps To ReproduceOn a computer with a touchpad:
* Hold an object in front of the player (e.g. by pick up a small box or a candle)
* Press and hold z on keyboard (to manipulate the object)
* Interact with the touchpad
* Object does not rotate in any direction (unexpected)
* Start over by releasing all keyboard keys and hold the object in front of the player
* Press and hold shift
* Press and hold z
* Release shift
* Interact with the touchpad
* Object rotates pitch and yaw (expected)
* Keep z pressed and also press shift
* Move finger on touchpad left and right
* Object rotates roll (expected)
Additional InformationWorkaround:
* For rotating object: press and hold shift before pressing z, then release shift (if needed) before interacting with the touchpad.
* For moving when walking: press and hold shift or ctrl before pressing any of wasd, then (optionally) release shift/control before interacting with the touchpad.
Tagsgame controls, rotation, touchpad


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
26.01.2024 06:15 Fiver New Issue
26.01.2024 06:15 Fiver Tag Attached: rotation
26.01.2024 06:15 Fiver Tag Attached: game controls
26.01.2024 06:23 Fiver Tag Attached: touchpad
26.01.2024 17:52 Fiver Description Updated
26.01.2024 17:52 Fiver Steps to Reproduce Updated
10.02.2024 02:43 Fiver Description Updated
12.02.2024 20:04 Fiver Description Updated
17.03.2024 03:33 Fiver Summary Cannot rotate objects using touchpad => Cannot immediately rotate objects using touchpad
17.03.2024 03:33 Fiver Description Updated
17.03.2024 03:33 Fiver Steps to Reproduce Updated
17.03.2024 03:33 Fiver Additional Information Updated
17.03.2024 03:36 Fiver Description Updated
17.03.2024 17:47 Fiver Steps to Reproduce Updated
27.06.2024 23:50 Fiver Category Def / Setup => Coding
04.01.2025 00:06 Fiver Summary Cannot immediately rotate objects using touchpad => Cannot immediately use touchpad when rotating objects or when moving
04.01.2025 00:06 Fiver Description Updated
04.01.2025 00:06 Fiver Additional Information Updated