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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006561The Dark ModCodingpublic15.01.2025 17:34
ReporterFiver Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS Version11 Bullseye
Product VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0006561: A saved game created by a savegame tool object does not show a thumbnail when selected
DescriptionIf a game is saved using the savegame tool object, then there is no thumbnail (screenshot preview) when selecting that entry in the list of saved games.
Steps To Reproduce* Start the mission "The Bakery Job"
* Follow instructions in 0006470 to spawn and pick up the savegame tool object
* The savegame tool object will be selected and visible on the HUD after you pick it up
* Use the he savegame tool object
* The game is saved (expected) and the object "Save_0" is visible in the list of saves
* If selecting the object "Save_0" in the list, the thumbnail (screenshot preview) for the saved game is completely black (unexpected). When other saved games are selected, then a thumbnail (screenshot preview) is displayed.
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related to 0006558 new Using a savegame tool object will also use an ajacent object in the inventory 




15.01.2025 17:33

reporter   ~0016954

Last edited: 15.01.2025 17:34

This still (2.13 beta 1) happens in fm Hazard Pay for example.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
31.07.2024 18:00 Fiver New Issue
31.07.2024 18:00 Fiver Relationship added related to 0006558
15.01.2025 17:33 datiswous Note Added: 0016954
15.01.2025 17:34 datiswous Note Edited: 0016954