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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006565The Dark ModModelspublic28.01.2025 03:57
ReporterMirceaKitsune Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSManjaroOS VersionStable
Product VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0006565: func_static entities that start hidden don't become solid when triggered to be visible
Descriptionfunc_static models that start out hidden don't become solid when triggered to become visible. As long as the "solid 1" spawnarg is set, a model with the spawnarg "hide 1" should also collide when shown and only stop colliding once hidden again.
Steps To Reproduce1 - Place two func_static models containing a solid mesh. Give the first the spawnarg "hide 0" and the second "hide 1".
2 - Create a trigger_multiple brush targeting both models, give it a "wait 5" so it doesn't accidentally trigger more than once.
3 - Start the level and walk through the trigger_multiple brush once, this will make one model disappear and the other one appear.

Result: When the map starts, the visible model is solid and the hidden one doesn't collide, which is the desired behavior. Once you've activated the trigger, the model that was initially visible is now both hidden and non-solid, which is once again the correct result. The issue is that the model which was initially hidden doesn't become solid, it does become visible but will not collide and can be walked through.




28.01.2025 03:57

reporter   ~0016965

I noticed something else later which I forgot to post here, likely stemming from the same root issue; If a readable starts out hidden, unhiding doesn't make it frobable. I haven't tested other items but presume everything frobable is affected: Any entity starting with "hide 1" seems to behave as if it's using "solid 0" or "noclipmodel 1", it likely never loads the collision mesh at start. The steps I remember taking:

Place a default readable like a scroll or sheet, give it the spawnarg "hide 1", have something like a button target it. Start the level and press the button: The scroll will become visible, however you can't frob to read it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
12.09.2024 16:36 MirceaKitsune New Issue
12.09.2024 16:36 MirceaKitsune Tag Attached: collision
28.01.2025 03:57 MirceaKitsune Note Added: 0016965