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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006613The Dark ModMappingpublic23.03.2025 20:31
Reporterstgatilov Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product VersionTDM 2.13 
Target VersionTDM 2.14 
Summary0006613: Swing mission: fix player launcher.
Description"Swing" platforming mission has a launcher pad, which is broken when uncapped FPS is on.

The pad is supposed to launch the player with exactly predefined velocity.
However, it is implemented using "mover" (like a door or elevator, basically), hence its behavior depends on physics and is quite non-deterministic with variable game tick.

The idea is to modify the mission by setting player velocity at the moment of launch.
Steps To Reproduce1) Start "Swing"
2) noclip
3) execute: teleport launcher
4) noclip (disable)
5) Hit the button on the launcher,
6) Make sure you fly where you are supposed to

You can check where you are supposed to fly by disabling "Uncapped FPS".
Make sure the destination makes sense and you can properly finish a mission =)
Additional InformationHere is the entity:
  "classname" "atdm:mover_door_sliding"
  "name" "launcher"
  "accel_time" ".1"
  "decel_time" ".1"
  "translate" "-40.185 0 335"
  "translate_speed" "15000"

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
23.03.2025 20:30 stgatilov New Issue
23.03.2025 20:31 stgatilov Description Updated
23.03.2025 20:31 stgatilov Additional Information Updated