Changesets: DarkRadiant

renderer b49f9730

14.11.2021 03:37


Details Diff
0005584: Use the same RenderableWinding structure for brushes in wireframe rendering Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.h Diff File

renderer 478dbe88

14.11.2021 03:24


Details Diff
0005584: WindingRenderer must be instantiated with the correct indexer type now Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CompactWindingVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/WindingRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File

renderer f0eace1a

13.11.2021 14:13


Details Diff
0005584: Implement WindingIndexer_Lines. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CompactWindingVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - test/WindingRendering.cpp Diff File

renderer 362d05b8

13.11.2021 14:00


Details Diff
0005584: Refactor CompactWindingVertexBuffer to use a template WindingIndexer type to generate the indices. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/CompactWindingVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - test/WindingRendering.cpp Diff File

renderer b8deeb58

13.11.2021 13:07


Details Diff
0005584: Prepare for orthoview winding rendering, which needs to be using GL_LINES as primitive type. The CompactWindingVertexBuffer needs to generate its indices in a different way for this purpose. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/WindingRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File

renderer e4bae9c2

13.11.2021 05:38


Details Diff
0005584: For oriented renderables that need to have the parent local2world transform applied before rendering, there's not quick solution here.
Introduce Renderable::isOriented() which should return true to have the nodes rendered in the regular frontend pass.
Brushes and Patches return isOriented == false since their regular visual mesh is attached to the large vertex buffer in the material. They only get rendered if there's something to highlight like selections or merge visualisations.
Affected Issues
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/RenderableCollectionWalker.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/StaticModelNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/StaticModelNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/particles/ParticleNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/particles/ParticleNode.h Diff File

renderer cdafb3ba

13.11.2021 05:07


Details Diff
0005584: Disable all code related to RenderableGeometry, this is most likely a dead end. Affected Issues
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Winding.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Winding.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/OpenGLRenderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File

renderer 4d9bc0d8

13.11.2021 04:04


Details Diff
0005584: The RenderableCollector now receives the renderables only when there's anything to highlight. Affected Issues
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/RenderableCollectionWalker.h Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

renderer d6e86304

12.11.2021 14:37


Details Diff
0005584: Selected Patches submit separate geometry to render the quad mesh overlay Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File

renderer 9fd332ad

12.11.2021 13:58


Details Diff
0005584: Hidden Patch nodes disconnect their geometry from the shader Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/Patch.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File

master f705f8d1

12.11.2021 11:33


Details Diff
0005807: Add Face destruction signal, since there's no other easy way to get notified about Faces being removed from a selected brush. Affected Issues
mod - include/ibrush.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/textool/TextureToolSceneGraph.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/textool/TextureToolSceneGraph.h Diff File
mod - test/TextureTool.cpp Diff File

master f425325f

12.11.2021 09:03


Details Diff
0005807: Add test checking the behaviour of a mixed brush & single face selection. The Texture Tool Scene Graph recognises more nodes than necessary. Affected Issues
mod - test/TextureTool.cpp Diff File

renderer a8bc5373

12.11.2021 07:32


Details Diff
0005584: OpenGLShader now offers an interface to attach indexed vertices directly, returning a handle for later manipulation. Affected Issues
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
add - include/isurfacerenderer.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/CompactWindingVertexBuffer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/Patch.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchRenderables.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
add - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/SurfaceRenderer.h Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj.filters Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/include.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/include.vcxproj.filters Diff File

master 6265d71f

10.11.2021 20:23


Details Diff
SurfaceInspector scale icon tweaks

Use a padlock for the link scale button, since it's difficult to make a chain
link icon obvious and readable at 16x16.
mod - install/bitmaps/link_active.png Diff File
mod - install/bitmaps/link_inactive.png Diff File
mod - install/bitmaps/link_scale_down.png Diff File
mod - install/bitmaps/link_scale_up.png Diff File

renderer 98bde91f

10.11.2021 05:56


Details Diff
0005584: OpenGLShader objects report as "not visible" when there's an invisible material attached. Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File

renderer 5f19f0a3

10.11.2021 05:33


Details Diff
0005584: Brush selection highlighting is working Affected Issues
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File

renderer c47e4b93

10.11.2021 03:49


Details Diff
0005584: Crude attempt at moving the GL draw calls from Winding to the OpenGLShader. Renderable nodes are allowed to submit RenderableGeometry types (for this render frame only) with a set of highlight flags. One or more corresponding Shader objects will then receive a reference to this RenderableGeometry type. Affected Issues
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/CamRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Winding.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Winding.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/OpenGLRenderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShader.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File

master be6aac6b

09.11.2021 21:17


Details Diff

For some reason the setting of the GL_MIN_FILTER was removed and not replaced,
resulting in no mipmap/linear filtering being applied.
mod - libs/RGBAImage.h Diff File

master fcaa973c

09.11.2021 20:57


Details Diff
Fix "linked scaling" button not changing bitmap on GTK

Once again wxGTK seems to be buggy: the "pressed" bitmap on a
wxBitmapToggleButton is only visible when you are actually HOLDING the mouse
button, not when the button is merely toggled. This is now worked around with a
wxutil helper class which explicitly changes the bitmap in response to button
state changes.
add - libs/wxutil/BitmapToggleButton.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/surfaceinspector/SurfaceInspector.cpp Diff File

master 1506a2d2

09.11.2021 20:21


Details Diff
Distinguish scale link buttons in SurfaceInspector

Use different icons for the "assign {horizontal/vertical} to
{vertical/horizontal} scale" buttons, to avoid confusion with the shift up/down
buttons which were previously using the same icon.
add - install/bitmaps/link_scale_down.png Diff File
add - install/bitmaps/link_scale_up.png Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/surfaceinspector/SurfaceInspector.cpp Diff File

5792_debug 56f903a7

09.11.2021 13:51


Details Diff
0005792: Temporary Logging Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File

renderer 50117a8b

07.11.2021 17:27


Details Diff
0005584: Introduce Renderable::onPreRender method to give every visible node a chance to prepare their geometry Affected Issues
mod - include/irenderable.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/RenderableCollectionWalker.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.h Diff File

renderer 1b9174fd

07.11.2021 15:51


Details Diff
0005584: Fix one of those embarrassing refactoring logic errors. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/WindingRenderer.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/RenderableWinding.h Diff File

renderer 17147978

07.11.2021 15:36


Details Diff
0005584: Faces remove their windings from the render buffers when the owning brush goes invisible Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/BrushNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/Face.h Diff File

renderer 97f2834f

07.11.2021 15:26


Details Diff
0005584: Adjust Node::setForcedVisibility and Node::setFiltered() implementations to fire visibility change events Affected Issues
mod - libs/scene/Node.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/scene/Node.h Diff File
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