Changesets: DarkRadiant

master c10b8730

09.04.2021 05:02


Details Diff
0005570: Basic light properties are editable Affected Issues
mod - install/ui/materialeditor.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/materialeditor.xrc Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialPreview.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialPreview.h Diff File

master a7e5ae86

09.04.2021 04:34


Details Diff
0005570: Add light properties panel Affected Issues
mod - install/ui/materialeditor.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/materialeditor.xrc Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialPreview.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialPreview.h Diff File

master 639f8ea4

07.04.2021 19:54


Details Diff
Rename Vector3::crossProduct() to cross()

Aside from being less verbose, this is also consistent with the dot() method.
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Plane3.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Quaternion.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Ray.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Vector3.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Viewer.h Diff File
mod - libs/pivot.h Diff File
mod - libs/render/ArbitraryMeshVertex.h Diff File
mod - libs/texturelib.h Diff File
mod - plugins/script/interfaces/MathInterface.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/FaceInstance.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/brush/FixedWinding.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/light/Light.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/export/ModelExporter.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/md5/MD5Surface.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/particles/RenderableParticleBunch.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/Patch.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/patch/PatchTesselation.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/algorithm/Primitives.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/manipulators/ManipulatorComponents.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/manipulators/RotateManipulator.cpp Diff File
mod - test/math/Vector.cpp Diff File

master 6483d326

06.04.2021 20:19


Details Diff
Remove Vector3::getInversed()

The only use of this method was in getInverseScale() in pivot.h, which has now
been modified to use the new scalar division operator (1.0 / vec) instead of a
dedicated method.
mod - libs/math/Vector3.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Vector4.h Diff File
mod - libs/pivot.h Diff File
mod - plugins/script/interfaces/MathInterface.cpp Diff File
mod - test/math/Matrix4.cpp Diff File

master 19de4992

06.04.2021 19:33


Details Diff
De-member and test Vector3 componentwise division

Also add an operator to divide a scalar by a vector (the existing one could
only divide a vector by a scalar).
mod - libs/math/Vector3.h Diff File
mod - test/math/Vector.cpp Diff File

master f8bfcc5d

06.04.2021 19:09


Details Diff
Unit test for setting Vector3 components

Set components using both the set() method and the individual non-const
reference accessors x()/y()/z().
mod - test/math/Vector.cpp Diff File

master 7d0e111e

06.04.2021 18:56


Details Diff
Clearer icon/tooltip for the clipper tool
mod - install/bitmaps/view_clipper.png Diff File
mod - install/user.xml Diff File

master 45962b77

06.04.2021 03:57


Details Diff
Fix specular rendering in the RenderPreview, view origin shouldn't be left at the default values.
mod - include/irender.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/preview/RenderPreview.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYRenderer.h Diff File

master afbdbef6

06.04.2021 03:48


Details Diff
0005578: Initialise the _updateActive flag, to fix randomly unresponsive controls Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/layers/LayerControl.cpp Diff File

master 00c60b95

05.04.2021 20:23


Details Diff
Slightly clearer icons for rotate and translate tools
mod - install/bitmaps/select_mouserotate.png Diff File
mod - install/bitmaps/select_mousetranslate.png Diff File

master f89cb515

05.04.2021 19:39


Details Diff
Matrix4::getIdentity() returns by value again

Now that TransformedRenderable is no longer storing unsafe pointers to possible
temporary matrices, it seems that it is now safe for getIdentity() to return by
value again. Both types of 2D curve (NURBS and Catmull-Rom) are rendering
mod - include/itransformnode.h Diff File
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.h Diff File
mod - libs/transformlib.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/particles/ParticleNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/particles/ParticleNode.h Diff File

ase_importer ae69fa53

05.04.2021 18:45


Details Diff
0005576: Linux compilation fixes Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.h Diff File

ase_importer 8aada472

05.04.2021 15:15


Details Diff
0005576: Add a few quick unit tests targeting the hash helpers Affected Issues
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File

ase_importer cef901e1

05.04.2021 15:06


Details Diff
0005576: Move hashing helpers and constants to libs/render/VertexHashing.h such that they can be re-used from the unit-tests Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj.filters Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/libs.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/libs.vcxproj.filters Diff File

ase_importer 09f567e7

05.04.2021 15:01


Details Diff
0005576: Adjust unit test to use similar epsilons as the hashing functions Affected Issues
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File

ase_importer d175b0f7

05.04.2021 14:55


Details Diff
0005576: Implement a similar hash bucket behaviour as used in the engine code, using the same epsilons as defined in the default values of the CVARs. Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/TexCoord2f.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File
add - radiantcore/model/import/Hashing.h Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj.filters Diff File

master e71c0c15

05.04.2021 13:57


Details Diff
Remove unsafe Matrix4 pointer in TransformedRenderable

TransformedRenderable was storing a non-owning C pointer to each renderable
object's transform matrix, which is inherently unsafe if any object has
returned a matrix calculated on the fly (i.e. an rvalue) rather than by
reference. Storing a copy of the matrix might be very slightly slower but
avoids this potential source of bugs.
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/rendersystem/backend/OpenGLShaderPass.h Diff File

master c56e6bde

05.04.2021 12:00


Details Diff
Matrix4::getIdentity() uses Eigen (but still const reference)

Apparently it was the change to return by copy rather than const reference that
broke curve rendering. There is no problem with calling
Eigen::Projective3d::Identity() to construct the matrix itself.
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.cpp Diff File

master 30f12de2

05.04.2021 11:45


Details Diff
Revert "Matrix4::getIdentity() implemented by Eigen"

For some reason this broke the rendering of 2D curves.

This reverts commit b8d1012397c0dc2f26c2e0ec2be8d6a41b6c3150.
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/math/Matrix4.h Diff File
mod - libs/transformlib.h Diff File

ase_importer 678bdd9d

05.04.2021 11:06


Details Diff
0005576: Re-implement the vertex normal parsing code to get proper results for shared vertices Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/ArbitraryMeshVertex.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.h Diff File

ase_importer 1c1c692e

05.04.2021 08:54


Details Diff
0005576: First hash and equal_to implementation Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File

ase_importer 65638aab

05.04.2021 08:41


Details Diff
0005576: Implement the outer algorithm to re-use vertices if their xyz/normal/texcoord/colour combination is the same.
The std::hash and std::equal_to specialisations are still empty.
Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File

ase_importer 2dcf027b

05.04.2021 07:21


Details Diff
0005576: Add another ArbitraryMeshVertex constructor accepting the vertex colour Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/ArbitraryMeshVertex.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File

ase_importer 70c4af29

05.04.2021 06:50


Details Diff
0005576: Add NODE_TM parsing code, applying the transform to the normals like the game Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/import/AseModel.h Diff File
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File

ase_importer 4ecedd14

05.04.2021 05:19


Details Diff
0005576: Add unit test checking an ASE model with a non-identity NODE_TM matrix, which should be applied to the vertex normals of the surface. Affected Issues
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File
add - test/resources/tdm/models/ase/gauge_needle.ase Diff File
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