View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002020DarkRadiantGeneralpublic29.05.2010 16:36
ReporterPinkdot Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.0.2 
Target Version1.1.0Fixed in Version1.1.0 
Summary0002020: NURBS curves are not displayed correctly
DescriptionNURBS curves are displayed with an offset from origin point. According to Mortem Desino, it happens after removing 'model' spawnarg from func_splinemover entity (which holds information about the curve).

Additional InformationAlso - I'm not sure whether this is the same issue - moving vertices of curve makes them moving twice as much as mouse movement.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002253 closedgreebo NURB spline data is broken 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
18.11.2009 20:58 Pinkdot New Issue
20.11.2009 09:02 greebo Status new => assigned
20.11.2009 09:02 greebo Assigned To => greebo
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Status assigned => resolved
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Fixed in Version => 1.0.3
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Resolution open => fixed
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Projection none => minor fix
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo ETA none => < 1 day
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Build => 4944
20.11.2009 09:03 greebo Target Version => 1.0.3
29.05.2010 16:36 greebo Status resolved => closed
20.06.2010 09:50 greebo Relationship added related to 0002253