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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003203The Dark ModAIpublic29.08.2013 19:28
ReporterSpringheel Assigned ToSpringheel  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 1.07 
Target VersionTDM 2.00Fixed in VersionTDM 2.00 
Summary0003203: Crouch-walking on stone can NEVER alert AI
DescriptionGrayman: "The highest loudness number I get from a crouch-walk footstep on stone is 18.36. The minimum needed for an AI to hear a sound is 20.2, and this doesn't change per difficulty level.
Alternatively, the loudness adjustment of crouched footsteps could be bumped up. Here's the default setting from tdm_player_thief.def:

"sprS_footstep_crouch_walk" "footstep_default_walk:-10"

The "-10" is a downward adjustment in loudness. "

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18.08.2012 18:09

administrator   ~0004768

That's strange...when we were in early development, I remember we pointed to the essentially silent crouch-walk of TDS as something we wanted to avoid.

We'll need to discuss this for 1.09. Personally, I don't think crouch-walking should be completely silent...what's the point of a creep button if so?


09.03.2013 22:25

administrator   ~0005141

Last edited: 09.03.2013 22:25

Ok, I've made a number of changes. Still testing, but I think I'm liking this.

I've reduced the AI's audio threshold to 18.6, so they are a bit more sensitive to sounds overall. I've reduced the volume of louder surfaces, like tile and metal, so that they react the same way they always did to those, but they're a little more likely to comment about stone and wood. Crouch walking and running is now louder than it was before (cr-wlk went from -10 to about -4).

The end result is that AI behave about the same as they always did on loud surfaces, but they're more likely to hear you on stone and wood; if you walk up to an AI on those surfaces he'll usually get to a "Hmm?" comment before you reach blackjack range. AI can now hear you crouch-walking on stone and wood if you get close enough to him--enough that he'll turn to face you while searching, or comment (but not stop walking) while idle.

It feels good to me; I feel like I actually have to be careful about the noise I make now. I'll test locally for a few more days and then present it for wider testing.



13.03.2013 14:46

administrator   ~0005168

I'm uploading my changes for testing.


1. Audio threshold of AI changed from 20.2 to 18.8. (different values for different AI, like better hearing for werebeast or elite guards, should be explored).

2. Range of audio modifiers for materials has been reduced. Instead of a difference of 26 between the loudest and softest material, the range is now 15. Loud materials are slightly less loud (balanced by dropping the audio threshold reults in AI reaction that is about the same), and quiet materials are slightly less quiet (walking on carpet can still never alert guards, but running and jumping has a small chance).

3. The audio benefit from crouching is now less effective. Crouching generally reduced volume by a massive -10; this has been changed to -4 for crouch-walking and -7 for crouch running.


29.08.2013 19:28

administrator   ~0006120

Haven't really heard any strong negative feedback about simple walking or running, so I think this can be considered resolved for 2.0.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
18.08.2012 18:08 Springheel New Issue
18.08.2012 18:09 Springheel Note Added: 0004768
19.01.2013 13:36 Springheel Assigned To => Springheel
19.01.2013 13:36 Springheel Status new => assigned
09.03.2013 22:25 Springheel Note Added: 0005141
09.03.2013 22:25 Springheel Note Edited: 0005141
13.03.2013 14:46 Springheel Note Added: 0005168
13.03.2013 14:49 Springheel Status assigned => feedback
29.08.2013 19:28 Springheel Note Added: 0006120
29.08.2013 19:28 Springheel Status feedback => assigned
29.08.2013 19:28 Springheel Status assigned => resolved
29.08.2013 19:28 Springheel Resolution open => fixed
29.08.2013 19:28 Springheel Fixed in Version => TDM 2.00