View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003718DarkRadiantScriptingpublic08.11.2014 13:15
ReporterSteveL Assigned ToSteveL  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformpython apiOSn/aOS Versionn/a
Product Version1.8.1 
Target Version1.8.1Fixed in Version1.8.1 
Summary0003718: Script to find missing targets
DescriptionLogging submission of a python script for DR.
Forum thread:

Initial proposal from RJFerret:
For debugging purposes, might a script be able to analyze AI pathing and report any dead ends, IE targets that don't exist?

This would catch things that are hard to find in manual beta testing, typos, deleted entities, renames, etc.
Additional InformationThe script cycles through all entities in a map, not just AI, and checks whether all their "target" spawnargs point to an entity in the map. Prints result to console, plus shows message box and offers to select any guilty entities.
TagsNo tags attached.




23.04.2014 18:49

reporter   ~0006549

Submitted pull request to DR repo:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
23.04.2014 17:36 SteveL New Issue
23.04.2014 17:36 SteveL Status new => assigned
23.04.2014 17:36 SteveL Assigned To => SteveL
23.04.2014 18:49 SteveL Note Added: 0006549
23.04.2014 18:49 SteveL Status assigned => resolved
23.04.2014 18:49 SteveL Fixed in Version => 1.8.1
23.04.2014 18:49 SteveL Resolution open => fixed
08.11.2014 13:15 greebo Status resolved => closed