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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003732The Dark ModCodingpublic12.08.2019 17:47
Reportergrayman Assigned Tograyman  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product VersionTDM 2.01 
Summary0003732: Engine should take daylight savings into account when determining which DLL to load
DescriptionThis pertains to developer use, not end-user use.

When building new DLLs to test problems, add features, etc., the timestamp on the DLL we create needs to be one hour older than the perceived timestamp on the DLL embedded in tdm_game01.pk4.

So if the pk4's DLL is stamped for 1pm today, we can't build a new DLL and test until after 2pm.

When TDM compares the timestamp on the pk4 DLL with the timestamp on the "free" DLL, it picks the one with the later timestamp. But ... here on the East coast of the US, when we're in daylight savings time, TDM adds an hour to the pk4 DLL, so it always thinks that DLL was built an hour later than it was.

The workaround is to delete tdm_game01.pk4 so the "free" DLL is the only one available.
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related to 0005042 resolvedstgatilov Timestamps fiasco: Unix vs DOS, local vs UTC 




28.03.2018 12:38

viewer   ~0010258

There is no longer a DLL in 2.06, so this problem no longer exists.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
21.05.2014 19:51 grayman New Issue
28.03.2018 10:48 user81 Assigned To => grayman
28.03.2018 10:48 user81 Status new => assigned
28.03.2018 12:38 grayman Note Added: 0010258
28.03.2018 12:38 grayman Status assigned => closed
28.03.2018 12:38 grayman Resolution open => no change required
12.08.2019 17:47 stgatilov Relationship added related to 0005042