View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000375DarkRadiantGUIpublic11.12.2007 16:49
ReporterSneaksieDave Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.9.2 
Target Version0.9.5Fixed in Version0.9.5 
Summary0000375: Browse to model/particle/entity as part of 'Choose'?
DescriptionTrying to think about this, but so far haven't come up with a good design for it. When you select a model for instance, and go to the model field, you of course get the 'Choose model...' button. However clicking it doesn't scroll the model library to the selected object's model. So, if you wanted a slight variation of the model (a smaller painting instead of the large painting), you would have to browse to it all over again. So, it would be nice if this button also scrolled to the model in question.

However. Adding that obviously useful functionality would remove a smaller, but possibly also useful functionality - the ability to keep the model browser scrolled to where you the user want it scrolled - for instance for use in replacing a lot of models. If you wanted all small candles, instead of large candles, you could scroll to the small candle, select the object, hit Choose model, and then okay, one by one. With the fix above, this would no longer be so easy.

So, I'm not sure about a mechanism for this suggestion. Maybe a "Browse to selected" button right on the Choose model dialog? It could be disabled if nothing was selected, and enabled if something is selected. Clicking it would jump to the selected item's model identity.

Of course, if a 'Choose classname...' button is implemented, it'd be good to have it there as well (as well as particle).
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03.12.2007 15:18

administrator   ~0000903

"Choose Model..." button in the EntityInspector now scrolls to the currently active model. "Choose Particle..." already worked that way.

The ordinary behaviour (RMB in the OrthoView > Create Model...) is unchanged, this leaves the selection unchanged.


11.12.2007 16:49

reporter   ~0000922

Works great!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
16.10.2007 01:13 SneaksieDave New Issue
16.10.2007 06:30 greebo Status new => acknowledged
03.12.2007 15:18 greebo Note Added: 0000903
03.12.2007 15:18 greebo Status acknowledged => resolved
03.12.2007 15:18 greebo Fixed in Version => 0.9.5
03.12.2007 15:18 greebo Resolution open => fixed
03.12.2007 15:18 greebo Assigned To => greebo
03.12.2007 15:19 greebo Build => 2634
03.12.2007 15:19 greebo Target Version => 0.9.5
11.12.2007 16:49 SneaksieDave Note Added: 0000922
11.12.2007 16:49 SneaksieDave Status resolved => closed