View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003875DarkRadiantGUIpublic07.07.2015 09:26
Reportersotha_sil Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.1Fixed in Version2.0.1 
Summary0003875: SplitPane window layout crashes DR at exit
DescriptionWhen SplitPane window layout is activated, DR always crashes when exiting.

The error message is shown in this thread:

Other windows layouts seem to work fine.

Afterwards, the only way to get out from the SplitPane layout is to delete DR settings.
Steps To ReproduceChoose SplitPane window layout. Exit DR.
TagsNo tags attached.




13.10.2014 17:32

administrator   ~0007071

Fixed in 9ce548e9c4cf00a68c52c8e7793e56b1248cbf7a

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
12.10.2014 18:44 sotha_sil New Issue
13.10.2014 16:57 greebo Status new => confirmed
13.10.2014 16:57 greebo Target Version => 2.0.1
13.10.2014 17:00 greebo Assigned To => greebo
13.10.2014 17:00 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
13.10.2014 17:32 greebo Status assigned => resolved
13.10.2014 17:32 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.0.1
13.10.2014 17:32 greebo Resolution open => fixed
13.10.2014 17:32 greebo Note Added: 0007071
07.07.2015 09:26 greebo Status resolved => closed