View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005616The Dark ModModelspublic11.05.2024 00:06
ReporterFrost_Salamander Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product VersionTDM 2.09 
Fixed in VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0005616: MerryChest prefabs are broken
DescriptionNote the category is 'Models' but this is a problem with prefabs.

Some of the 'MerryChest' prefabs do not work. Specifically, the lid on 'containers/openable/MerryChest1.pfb' cannot be frobbed. Datiswous has identified the underlying issue here:

He also says that the same issue exists on MerryChest2. I have not checked the other MerryChest prefabs (there are several), but for whoever picks it up it's worth checking those as well.
Steps To Reproduce1. Add the 'containers/openable/MerryChest1.pfb' prefab to any map
2. try to frob/interact with the lid, and you'll find that nothing happens. You won't get the 'locked chest' sound feedback, and if you try to frob with a key or lockpick, nothing happens with that as well.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005245 resolvedDragofer Broken prefab: chest_old_loot1 
child of 0004729 resolvedgrayman MerryChest2 fails to open 




10.05.2024 21:47

reporter   ~0016690

This appears to have been fixed, but not sure when. It can be closed.


11.05.2024 00:06

developer   ~0016691


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
17.05.2021 08:18 Frost_Salamander New Issue
17.05.2021 21:05 nbohr1more Relationship added child of 0004729
17.05.2021 21:07 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0005245
10.05.2024 21:47 Frost_Salamander Note Added: 0016690
11.05.2024 00:06 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016691
11.05.2024 00:06 nbohr1more Status new => resolved
11.05.2024 00:06 nbohr1more Resolution open => unable to reproduce
11.05.2024 00:06 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => TDM 2.12