View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005849DarkRadiantGUIpublic09.10.2022 17:37
ReporterDragofer Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.14.0 
Target Version3.0.0Fixed in Version3.0.0 
Summary0005849: MD5 Animation Viewer: jump to frame
DescriptionmodelDefs allow to define various effects on specific frames of animations, for example:

anim walk1 models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/walk.md5anim
    frame 8 footstep
        frame 16 sound snd_rustle
        frame 25 footstep
        frame 33 sound snd_rustle

The MD5 Animation Viewer from the Entity menu can show the animations and play them frame by frame, but there's no way to jump to a specific frame to see what happens there. It'd save some time and be convenient if one didn't have to press "Next frame" so often to view specific frames.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005848 closedgreebo MD5 Animation Viewer: show current frame & total frames 




28.02.2022 17:08

administrator   ~0014742

grafik.png (9,422 bytes)   
grafik.png (9,422 bytes)   

Related Changesets

DarkRadiant: master 9d5f85b9

28.02.2022 17:07


Details Diff
0005849: Add spin control to select a specific frame in an animated preview Affected Issues
mod - install/ui/renderpreview.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/renderpreview.xrc Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/XmlResourceBasedWidget.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/preview/RenderPreview.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/preview/RenderPreview.h Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
20.12.2021 19:04 Dragofer New Issue
20.12.2021 19:04 Dragofer Issue generated from: 0005848
20.12.2021 19:04 Dragofer Relationship added related to 0005848
20.12.2021 19:05 greebo Status new => acknowledged
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Assigned To => greebo
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Status acknowledged => assigned
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 9d5f85b9
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Status assigned => resolved
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Resolution open => fixed
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Fixed in Version => 3.0.0
28.02.2022 17:07 greebo Target Version => 3.0.0
28.02.2022 17:08 greebo Note Added: 0014742
28.02.2022 17:08 greebo File Added: grafik.png
09.10.2022 17:37 greebo Status resolved => closed