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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005856The Dark ModSound Systempublic30.01.2025 14:21
ReporterSpooks Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product VersionTDM 2.03 
Summary0005856: Looping multi-sound shaders only loop the first file in the list
DescriptionAs per title. Put the "s_shader" value of a speaker entity to something like "animal_dog_distant" and set "s_looping" to "1". Note that the speaker may play a sound from its playlist but before long it will get stuck repeating the very first sound file on the list (as seen in Dark Radiant).

The expected behavior, to me, would be that immediately after a sound finishes, a randomly selected one from the list will continue playing seamlessly, akin to how single-sound shaders loop their sounds.
Additional InformationSpotted in 2.10 beta2. Goes back as far as 2.03, haven't bothered to test any earlier versions. I'd now wager it might be how it was originally, so instead of a bug I've changed the tag to a feature request.
TagsNo tags attached.




24.01.2025 14:58

developer   ~0016962

It looks like this is still an issue in 2.13 (beta 1) and has particularly affected the new radio entity. Only the first song listed on the soundshader plays


30.01.2025 13:50

reporter   ~0016966

Last edited: 30.01.2025 14:21

In wiki article "Setting up speakers", it says:

   "There are four sounds (not only one) to allow variety. They get played in a random order, one each time the sound is triggered."

So a sound is played once per trigger.

Then there is the info about looping:

   "Turns on and off looping. The sound will repeat endlessly in a forward loop."

So that one sound that is triggered at that moment loops.

So it's logical behavior I guess. If this would be changed, original behavior would be altered.

I would add a new feature, for example "random playback loop" that does this.

I think you could make a script that endlessly triggers playback after each sound is played. Then you don't set the shader to loop. Possibly you want it to randomly play all the files without double-play until they are all played.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
28.12.2021 09:40 Spooks New Issue
03.01.2022 10:33 Spooks Severity normal => feature
03.01.2022 10:33 Spooks Product Version TDM 2.09 => TDM 2.03
03.01.2022 10:33 Spooks Description Updated
03.01.2022 10:33 Spooks Additional Information Updated
24.01.2025 14:58 Amadeus Note Added: 0016962
30.01.2025 13:50 datiswous Note Added: 0016966
30.01.2025 14:21 datiswous Note Edited: 0016966