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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005892The Dark ModFeature proposalpublic28.09.2023 15:50
ReporterBikerdude Assigned Tonbohr1more  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10 (21H1)
Product VersionTDM 2.10 
Target VersionTDM 2.12Fixed in VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0005892: Cant mantle while carring a body
DescriptionI appreciate not being able to jump, but can we atleast mantle like we can in T1/2..?
Additional InformationInternal discussion:

Public discussion:
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0005453 resolvedstgatilov Rethink how FM's should override cvars 




06.08.2022 10:21

reporter   ~0015129

If this is not possible, this tracker can be closed.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

07.08.2022 04:35

developer   ~0015141

I agree. Being able to mantle while carrying a body would feel more natural. I wonder why that was disabled.

I've attached a patch.
mantle-carry-body-v1-r10063.diff (643 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.cpp game/Player.cpp
index 28decdb..df69a47 100644
--- game/Player.cpp
+++ game/Player.cpp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const int HEALTHPULSE_TIME = 333;
 const float MIN_BOB_SPEED = 5.0f;
 // shouldered body immobilizations
 const float SHOULDER_JUMP_HINDERANCE = 0.25f;
 // grayman #3485 - additional volume reduction when falling when crouched


08.08.2022 00:55

developer   ~0015148

I might have to convert this to a cheat cvar.
We need to verify that no current missions rely on restricting body relocation by surrounding the victim in a mantle trap.
Internal discussion started.


08.08.2022 07:54

reporter   ~0015151

Can said cvar be added to a config file? I would use while mapping etc.


08.08.2022 12:36

developer   ~0015154

There is an ongoing discussion about cvar control in general. That is issue 5453.
I had worked out a way to make mission specific cvar toggles temporary but it was a bit "Rube Goldberg" in nature so the proposed change was rejected.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

08.08.2022 22:36

developer   ~0015156

If there is a mission that has a mantle trap, that would hinder improving the movement system for all current and future missions?


09.08.2022 02:43

developer   ~0015157

Last edited: 09.08.2022 02:44

The general notion is that we want to try as best as possible not to break multiple missions by making them too easy or
changing the inherent tension and risk \ reward factors. That said, let's say that only one mission is impacted but the mission author
is one of our most prominent contributors. Allowing their mission to be broken by this change could cause other less prominent
mission authors to lose trust in the project.

All this said, this discussion has provoked some interesting discussions about whether "low mantle" should allow this as a realism factor
whereas mantling to high places would still not allow it. Even a change like that might cause some issues with existing missions but it may
be worth the potential upheaval to make the game richer by partially allowing this behavior.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

09.08.2022 03:18

developer   ~0015158

Thank you for explaining that. I can see how that's a tough decision.

I'd personally like to see at least a low mantle so that stepping up around knee/waist level would be possible, like stepping up onto a bed or a high step.

Would something like a DML (from Thief) be possible for old missions? That way, the engine can improve but still have a way to "fix" some older missions to be as they were originally designed. I guess something like that can already be done with an autoexec.cfg file. Maybe have a cvar that doesn't get archived, which would be some kind of mantle override to disable mantle while shouldering.

Is there a place where I can see that discussion? I think TDM is a really nice project and wonder how everyone collaborates.


09.08.2022 06:21

reporter   ~0015159

+1 on low mantle, you can do it in Thief 1/2.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

21.01.2023 19:13

developer   ~0015840

@nbohr1more What's the status on this? What was the conclusion of the internal discussion?
Has a single mantle trap been found in any of the missions already released?

It would be nice to have this for 2.11, so Thief 1 & 2 players can have a better experience.
I have been playing with the patch I provided above, and it's improved the gameplay a lot. No more frustrations.
If a reason was found for not applying the patch as is, having a cvar for this at the very least would improve the game.


21.01.2023 22:01

developer   ~0015841

None of the original participants have moved the discussion on this.
Please submit a revised patch with a cvar and I will post about it for inclusion.
It is pretty late in the dev cycle but we will consider it.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

21.01.2023 23:47

developer   ~0015842

@nbohr1more Thank you for considering this!
Attached revised patch.

Note: I set the default to allow mantling while shouldering.
Feel free to change the cvar name and its default as you see fit.
r10256-pm_mantle_while_shouldering.diff (2,580 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.cpp game/Player.cpp
index 29014a8..6e84db5 100644
--- game/Player.cpp
+++ game/Player.cpp
@@ -4513,7 +4513,11 @@ void idPlayer::OnStartShoulderingBody(idEntity* body)
 	// TODO: Also make sure you can't grab anything else (hands are full)
 	// requires a new EIM flag?
-	SetImmobilization( "ShoulderedBody", SHOULDER_IMMOBILIZATIONS );
+	SetImmobilization( "ShoulderedBody",
+		cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering.GetBool() ?
+	);
 	// set hinderance
 	float maxSpeed = body->spawnArgs.GetFloat("shouldered_maxspeed","1.0f");
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
index cc1f3c1..859ee24 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ idCVar cv_pm_softhinderance_run(	"pm_softhinderance_run",	"1.0",	CVAR_GAME | CVA
 idCVar cv_pm_weightmod(				"pm_weightmod",			"1",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Gets multiplied to the force applied to objects below the player model. Defaults to 1." );
+idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering( "pm_mantle_while_shouldering", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "If set to 1, allow mantling while shouldering a body." );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_reach(			"pm_mantle_reach",		"0.5",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Horizontal reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.5" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_height(			"pm_mantle_height",		"0.2",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Vertical reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.2" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_minflatness(	"pm_mantle_minflatness",		"0.707",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Cannot mantle on top of surfaces whose angle's cosine is smaller than this value. e.g. >1.0 means nothing can be mantled; 1.0 means only perfectly flat floors (0 degrees) can be mantled on top of; ~0.707 means no surfaces steeper than 45 degrees can be mantled on top of; 0.5 means no surfaces steeper than 60 degrees can be mantled on top of; a large negative value (like -10) means all surfaces can be mantled regardless of steepness. Default is 0.707." );
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.h game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
index f8889c8..1ee73aa 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ extern idCVar cv_tdm_footfalls_movetype_specific;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_weightmod;
+extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_height;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_reach;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_minflatness;
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

22.01.2023 00:05

developer   ~0015843

Attached v2 of revised patch.

The only change is the inclusion of comments referring to this bug, 5892.
r10256-pm_mantle_while_shouldering-v2.diff (2,706 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.cpp game/Player.cpp
index 29014a8..2dc7dab 100644
--- game/Player.cpp
+++ game/Player.cpp
@@ -4513,7 +4513,12 @@ void idPlayer::OnStartShoulderingBody(idEntity* body)
 	// TODO: Also make sure you can't grab anything else (hands are full)
 	// requires a new EIM flag?
-	SetImmobilization( "ShoulderedBody", SHOULDER_IMMOBILIZATIONS );
+	SetImmobilization( "ShoulderedBody",
+		cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering.GetBool() ?
+		// #5892: Mantle while carring a body
+	);
 	// set hinderance
 	float maxSpeed = body->spawnArgs.GetFloat("shouldered_maxspeed","1.0f");
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
index cc1f3c1..ad66563 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
@@ -208,6 +208,10 @@ idCVar cv_pm_softhinderance_run(	"pm_softhinderance_run",	"1.0",	CVAR_GAME | CVA
 idCVar cv_pm_weightmod(				"pm_weightmod",			"1",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Gets multiplied to the force applied to objects below the player model. Defaults to 1." );
+// #5892: Mantle while carring a body
+idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering( "pm_mantle_while_shouldering", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "If set to 1, allow mantling while shouldering a body." );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_reach(			"pm_mantle_reach",		"0.5",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Horizontal reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.5" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_height(			"pm_mantle_height",		"0.2",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Vertical reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.2" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_minflatness(	"pm_mantle_minflatness",		"0.707",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Cannot mantle on top of surfaces whose angle's cosine is smaller than this value. e.g. >1.0 means nothing can be mantled; 1.0 means only perfectly flat floors (0 degrees) can be mantled on top of; ~0.707 means no surfaces steeper than 45 degrees can be mantled on top of; 0.5 means no surfaces steeper than 60 degrees can be mantled on top of; a large negative value (like -10) means all surfaces can be mantled regardless of steepness. Default is 0.707." );
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.h game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
index f8889c8..708363f 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
@@ -165,6 +165,9 @@ extern idCVar cv_tdm_footfalls_movetype_specific;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_weightmod;
+// #5892: Mantle while carring a body
+extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_height;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_reach;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_minflatness;


22.01.2023 03:20

developer   ~0015844

Rev 10257


22.01.2023 09:30

reporter   ~0015845

Thanks for sorting this chaps, its been a minor frustration for years.


22.01.2023 17:53

administrator   ~0015847

This change has not happened yet, it's just a cvar for testing, which is not default.
I would say mantling with shouldered body should be limited to knee/waist level.

P.S. I also would be happy to see the discussion =)
Could someone please post a link?


22.01.2023 18:09

developer   ~0015848

Added this link to the description:
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

25.01.2023 19:14

developer   ~0015885

I've implemented a way to enforce knee/waist height checking on mantle while shouldering a body.
Also, if the player is falling, do not allow mantle while shouldering.

The max height is based on a table from The Painter's Wife at (831.86 -350.78 777.25).
The table height is 40.41 units.
Also, the max height can be adjusted using "pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight".
1. When standing, max height is pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight + 5, which is 41.
2. When crouched, max height is pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight, which is 36;

Perhaps, after this patch is applied, the "pm_mantle_while_shouldering" cvar can be removed and "EIM_MANTLE" can be removed from SHOULDER_IMMOBILIZATIONS (same as original patch above, "mantle-carry-body-v1-r10063.diff")? In other words, apply this patch, revert Rev 10257, and apply mantle-carry-body-v1-r10063.diff.

This patch gives us something to discuss at least. Is this a good approach? What should the max height be?
r10262-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering.diff (3,813 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.h game/Player.h
index a51a589..b4f2fd5 100644
--- game/Player.h
+++ game/Player.h
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@ public:
 	void					UpdateSkinSetup( bool restart );
+	bool					IsShoulderingBody( void ) { return m_bShoulderingBody; };
 	bool					OnLadder( void ) const;
 	// Virtal override of idActor::OnElevator()
 	virtual CMultiStateMover* OnElevator(bool mustBeMoving) const;
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
index e610f28..c57a3c7 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
@@ -4283,9 +4283,33 @@ void idPhysics_Player::StartMantle
 	EMantlePhase initialMantlePhase,
 	idVec3 eyePos,
 	idVec3 startPos,
-	idVec3 endPos
+	idVec3 endPos,
+	float floorHeight
+	// #5892: While shouldering a body, allow mantling at roughly waist height.
+	if (static_cast<idPlayer*>(self)->IsShoulderingBody())
+	{
+		const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
+		const float fallingSpeed = current.velocity * gravityNormal;
+		const float endHeight = -endPos * gravityNormal;
+		const float mantleHeight = endHeight - floorHeight;
+		const float maxMantleHeight = bIsCrouched ?
+			cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() :     // crouched: 36
+			cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() + 5;  // standing: 41
+		// must be standing on the ground (or not falling from a jump-mantle)
+		if (!groundPlane && fallingSpeed > 0)
+			return;
+		// must be doing a non-hanging, non-pulling mantle
+		if (!(initialMantlePhase == push_DarkModMantlePhase ||
+		      initialMantlePhase == pushNonCrouched_DarkModMantlePhase))
+			return;
+		// must mantle at roughly waist height
+		if (mantleHeight > maxMantleHeight)
+			return;
+	}
 	// Ishtvan 10/16/05
 	// If mantling starts while on a rope, detach from that rope
 	if ( m_bOnRope )
@@ -5120,7 +5144,7 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 					|| mantleEndHeight < feetHeight + cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat()*0.66f)) // Reduce allowed obstacle height mid-air
 					// Do a fast mantle over low obstacle
-					StartMantle(pushNonCrouched_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint);
+					StartMantle(pushNonCrouched_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint, floorHeight);
@@ -5135,7 +5159,7 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 					&& mantleEndHeight < floorHeight + pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat())
 					// Do a fast pull-push mantle over medium sized obstacle
-					StartMantle(pullFast_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint);
+					StartMantle(pullFast_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint, floorHeight);
@@ -5144,16 +5168,16 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 				// Start with pull if on the ground, hang if not
 				if (groundPlane)
-					StartMantle(pull_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint);
+					StartMantle(pull_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint, floorHeight);
-					StartMantle(hang_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint);
+					StartMantle(hang_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint, floorHeight);
-				StartMantle(push_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint);
+				StartMantle(push_DarkModMantlePhase, eyePos, GetOrigin(), mantleEndPoint, floorHeight);
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.h game/physics/Physics_Player.h
index ba17de1..712d81e 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.h
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.h
@@ -571,7 +571,8 @@ protected:
 		EMantlePhase initialMantlePhase,
 		idVec3 eyePos,
 		idVec3 startPos,
-		idVec3 endPos
+		idVec3 endPos,
+		float floatHeight
table-height.jpg (1,045,613 bytes)


25.01.2023 21:26

administrator   ~0015888

I don't like the way it does not blend with the other mantling conditions.
I think we should pause this until 2.11 is over, and then have more time for testing.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

26.01.2023 06:10

developer   ~0015890

It would be great for this to be finalized for 2.11,
so mappers know what to expect and Thief players can enjoy the game more without frustrations.
It'll be worth it.

There are two separate issues:
1. What are the rules for mantle while shouldering?
2. Code and code organization.

I think we should focus on (1) the rules for mantle while shouldering,
because the final code and code organization can be beautified after 2.11 release if needed.

I don't have access to
So, I don't know what's already been discussed.

Who needs to be part of this conversion for consensus to happen about the rules (not code)?
For us to finalize the rules, it would be helpful for us to answer the following questions.

Do we really need to restrict mantling while shouldering at all?

If we restrict the player while shouldering, what should the rules be?
While shouldering, what's the tallest object that can be mantled?
While shouldering, should there be different object height requirements between crouched and standing?
While shouldering, can the player mantle during a fall or jump across to another ledge?
While shouldering, what mantle types are allowed out of: push, pushNonCrouch, pull, pullFast, hang?
(Are there other rules to consider?)
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

26.01.2023 06:10

developer   ~0015891

My opinion is...

Do we really need to restrict mantling while shouldering at all?
  No. Games are for fun and escaping reality.
  Let the player mantle while shouldering without restrictions and frustrations.
  This matches Thief 1 & 2.

If we restrict the player while shouldering,...
While shouldering, what's the tallest object that can be mantled?
  41 units. That's based on a table at roughly waist height, which felt like the tallest reasonable object during my testing.
While shouldering, should there be different object height requirements between crouched and standing?
  Originally, I implemented separate cases, because it didn't feel quite right to have a body and mantle up so high while crouched.
  Not having a difference reduces complexity and is more predictable for the player, so now I think treat both crouched and standing the same.
While shouldering, can the player mantle during a fall or jump across to another ledge?
  No. The character is falling or hitting a ledge with force, which can be hard to handle while carrying a body.
While shouldering, what mantle types are allowed out of: push, pushNonCrouch, pull, pullFast, hang?
  I think only push and pushNonCrouch. Don't allow pull, pullFast, and hang, because they require hands.
(Are there other rules to consider?)
  None that I can think of.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

26.01.2023 17:36

developer   ~0015892

typo fix: Who needs to be part of this **conversation** for consensus to happen about the rules (not code)?


26.01.2023 20:17

administrator   ~0015895

I suspend this until 2.11 is over.


26.01.2023 21:16

developer   ~0015903

Daft Mugi, thank's a lot for your contributions. This will be integrated into the mod, I am sure of it, but I agree with stgatilov. Beta phase is already taking way too long as it is and a major new feature like this needs to be thoroughly tested. Beta can be quite annoying, because it hinders every dev from actually implementing new things, so we would like to get this over with soon. Maybe we could consider a 2.11 hotfix to include your patch later.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

28.01.2023 18:16

developer   ~0015918

Attached waist-height mantle while shouldering body (v2).
This incorporates feedback given by stgatilov. Now, the mantling conditionals are blended.
r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v2.diff (3,251 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.h game/Player.h
index a51a589..b4f2fd5 100644
--- game/Player.h
+++ game/Player.h
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@ public:
 	void					UpdateSkinSetup( bool restart );
+	bool					IsShoulderingBody( void ) { return m_bShoulderingBody; };
 	bool					OnLadder( void ) const;
 	// Virtal override of idActor::OnElevator()
 	virtual CMultiStateMover* OnElevator(bool mustBeMoving) const;
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
index e610f28..96cdf86 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
@@ -5107,9 +5107,37 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			const float eyeHeight = -eyePos * gravityNormal;
-			const bool bFallingFast = 
-				(current.velocity * gravityNormal) > 
-				cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const float fallingSpeed = current.velocity * gravityNormal;
+			const bool bFallingFast = fallingSpeed > cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
+			const bool bIsShoulderingBody = static_cast<idPlayer*>(self)->IsShoulderingBody();
+			// #5892: While shouldering a body, allow mantling at roughly waist height.
+			if (bIsShoulderingBody)
+			{
+				const float obstacleHeight = mantleEndHeight - floorHeight;
+				const float maxShoulderingMantleHeight = bIsCrouched ?
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() :     // standing: 36
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() + 5;  // standing: 41
+				// Must only be push or pushNonCrouched mantle phase.
+				// Note: Check to make sure that's the case in the mantle
+				// phase conditionals below, especially when editing them.
+				// Must mantle at roughly waist height.
+				if (obstacleHeight > maxShoulderingMantleHeight)
+					return;
+				// Must be standing on the ground (or not falling from a jump-mantle).
+				// In other words, don't be going downwards.
+				//   "!groundPlane" only works with dedicated mantle key.
+				//   When the jump key is used to mantle, the player lifts
+				//   ever so slightly off the ground before a mantle is
+				//   detected. Using "fallingSpeed" here as an alternative
+				//   way to ensure the player is approximately grounded.
+				if (fallingSpeed > 0)
+					return;
+			}
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces.GetBool()) // STiFU #4930
@@ -5127,9 +5155,8 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched.GetBool()) // STiFU #4945
 				// Use floorHeight instead of feetHeight to allow this mantle also when jump-mantling medium sized obstacles
-				const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
 				if (   bIsCrouched
+					&& !bIsShoulderingBody // #5892
 					&& !bFallingFast
 					&& eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight // When endheight lower than eyes, use the regular push mantle
 					&& mantleEndHeight < floorHeight + pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat())
@@ -5139,7 +5166,7 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
-			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight)
+			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight && !bIsShoulderingBody) // #5892
 				// Start with pull if on the ground, hang if not
 				if (groundPlane)
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

28.01.2023 19:31

developer   ~0015919

Attached waist-height mantle while shouldering body (v3).
Restored "!groundPlane" check from v1.
It may not make a difference, but it's better to be safe by ensuring what the game thinks is grounded is grounded here as well.
r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v3.diff (3,267 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.h game/Player.h
index a51a589..b4f2fd5 100644
--- game/Player.h
+++ game/Player.h
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@ public:
 	void					UpdateSkinSetup( bool restart );
+	bool					IsShoulderingBody( void ) { return m_bShoulderingBody; };
 	bool					OnLadder( void ) const;
 	// Virtal override of idActor::OnElevator()
 	virtual CMultiStateMover* OnElevator(bool mustBeMoving) const;
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
index e610f28..cfff069 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
@@ -5107,9 +5107,37 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			const float eyeHeight = -eyePos * gravityNormal;
-			const bool bFallingFast = 
-				(current.velocity * gravityNormal) > 
-				cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const float fallingSpeed = current.velocity * gravityNormal;
+			const bool bFallingFast = fallingSpeed > cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
+			const bool bIsShoulderingBody = static_cast<idPlayer*>(self)->IsShoulderingBody();
+			// #5892: While shouldering a body, allow mantling at roughly waist height.
+			if (bIsShoulderingBody)
+			{
+				const float obstacleHeight = mantleEndHeight - floorHeight;
+				const float maxShoulderingMantleHeight = bIsCrouched ?
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() :     // standing: 36
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() + 5;  // standing: 41
+				// Must only be push or pushNonCrouched mantle phase.
+				// Note: Check to make sure that's the case in the mantle
+				// phase conditionals below, especially when editing them.
+				// Must mantle at roughly waist height.
+				if (obstacleHeight > maxShoulderingMantleHeight)
+					return;
+				// Must be standing on the ground (or not falling from a jump-mantle).
+				// In other words, don't be going downwards.
+				//   "!groundPlane" only works with dedicated mantle key.
+				//   When the jump key is used to mantle, the player lifts
+				//   ever so slightly off the ground before a mantle is
+				//   detected. Using "fallingSpeed" here as an alternative
+				//   way to ensure the player is approximately grounded.
+				if (!groundPlane && fallingSpeed > 0)
+					return;
+			}
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces.GetBool()) // STiFU #4930
@@ -5127,9 +5155,8 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched.GetBool()) // STiFU #4945
 				// Use floorHeight instead of feetHeight to allow this mantle also when jump-mantling medium sized obstacles
-				const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
 				if (   bIsCrouched
+					&& !bIsShoulderingBody // #5892
 					&& !bFallingFast
 					&& eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight // When endheight lower than eyes, use the regular push mantle
 					&& mantleEndHeight < floorHeight + pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat())
@@ -5139,7 +5166,7 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
-			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight)
+			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight && !bIsShoulderingBody) // #5892
 				// Start with pull if on the ground, hang if not
 				if (groundPlane)
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

30.01.2023 17:38

developer   ~0015921

Attached waist-height mantle while shouldering body (v4).
Added dedicated cvar "pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight".
r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v4.diff (5,697 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.h game/Player.h
index a51a589..b4f2fd5 100644
--- game/Player.h
+++ game/Player.h
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@ public:
 	void					UpdateSkinSetup( bool restart );
+	bool					IsShoulderingBody( void ) { return m_bShoulderingBody; };
 	bool					OnLadder( void ) const;
 	// Virtal override of idActor::OnElevator()
 	virtual CMultiStateMover* OnElevator(bool mustBeMoving) const;
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
index 0bc7994..0ce51c2 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs("pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs","550
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold("pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold", "120.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "If the player speed exceeds this threshold, a grund sound is played when performing the mantle.", 0.0f, 100000.0f);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces("pm_mantle_fastLowObstacles", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "If true, a faster mantle will be performed for low obstacles.", 0, 1);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight("pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight", "36.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The maximum height of obstacles over which a fast mantle can be performed", 0.0f, 60.0f);
+idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight("pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight", "41.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The maximum height of obstacles allowed for a shouldering body mantle", 0.0f, 60.0f);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched("pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "If true, a faster mantle will be performed for medium-high obstacles in crouched state", 0, 1);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs("pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs", "450.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER |CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The duration it takes for a fast pull.", 0, 10000);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold("pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold", "360.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "If falling faster than this threshold, no fast mantles will be performed.", 0.0f, 100000.0f);
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.h game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
index 0d558ff..74b9b6c 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_push_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight;
+extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold;
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
index e610f28..d1cfabf 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
@@ -5107,9 +5107,41 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			const float eyeHeight = -eyePos * gravityNormal;
-			const bool bFallingFast = 
-				(current.velocity * gravityNormal) > 
-				cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const float fallingSpeed = current.velocity * gravityNormal;
+			const bool bFallingFast = fallingSpeed > cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold.GetFloat();
+			const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
+			const bool bIsShoulderingBody = static_cast<idPlayer*>(self)->IsShoulderingBody();
+			// #5892: While shouldering a body, allow mantling at roughly waist height.
+			if (bIsShoulderingBody)
+			{
+				const float obstacleHeight = mantleEndHeight - floorHeight;
+				// While crouched, the max allowed shouldering mantle
+				// height is a bit less than while standing.
+				// Two reasons: animation and challenge.
+				const float maxShoulderingMantleHeight = bIsCrouched ?
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight.GetFloat() - 5 :
+					cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight.GetFloat();
+				// Must only be push or pushNonCrouched mantle phase.
+				// Note: Check to make sure that's the case in the mantle
+				// phase conditionals below, especially when editing them.
+				// Must mantle at roughly waist height.
+				if (obstacleHeight > maxShoulderingMantleHeight)
+					return;
+				// Must be standing on the ground (or not falling from a jump-mantle).
+				// In other words, don't be going downwards.
+				//   "groundPlane" only works with dedicated mantle key.
+				//   When the jump key is used to mantle, the player lifts
+				//   ever so slightly off the ground before a mantle is
+				//   detected. Using "fallingSpeed" here as an alternative
+				//   way to ensure the player is approximately grounded.
+				if (!groundPlane && fallingSpeed > 0)
+					return;
+			}
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces.GetBool()) // STiFU #4930
@@ -5127,9 +5159,8 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched.GetBool()) // STiFU #4945
 				// Use floorHeight instead of feetHeight to allow this mantle also when jump-mantling medium sized obstacles
-				const bool bIsCrouched = current.movementFlags & PMF_DUCKED;
 				if (   bIsCrouched
+					&& !bIsShoulderingBody // #5892
 					&& !bFallingFast
 					&& eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight // When endheight lower than eyes, use the regular push mantle
 					&& mantleEndHeight < floorHeight + pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat())
@@ -5139,7 +5170,7 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
-			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight)
+			if (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight && !bIsShoulderingBody) // #5892
 				// Start with pull if on the ground, hang if not
 				if (groundPlane)
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

31.01.2023 20:37

developer   ~0015922

Attached waist-height mantle while shouldering body (v5).
I think this is might be the one or at least close.

"pm_mantle_while_shouldering" default:"1"
Which restriction for mantle while shouldering?
  0 --- no mantling while shouldering a body (TDM original)
  1 --- restricted mantling while shouldering a body
  2 --- unrestricted mantling while shouldering a body (Cheat Mode)

Option 1 -- Restricted mantle while shouldering rules:
* "pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight" sets max height; default 41.
* obstacle height is based on the obstacle relative to the player rather than the obstacle relative to the ground.
* no pull or hang allowed.
* must not be falling fast.
r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v5.diff (6,596 bytes)   
diff --git game/Player.cpp game/Player.cpp
index c6f71dd..240ad06 100644
--- game/Player.cpp
+++ game/Player.cpp
@@ -4514,7 +4514,7 @@ void idPlayer::OnStartShoulderingBody(idEntity* body)
 	// TODO: Also make sure you can't grab anything else (hands are full)
 	// requires a new EIM flag?
 	SetImmobilization( "ShoulderedBody",
-		cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering.GetBool() ?
+		cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering.GetInteger() > 0 ?
 		// #5892: Mantle while carring a body
diff --git game/Player.h game/Player.h
index a51a589..b4f2fd5 100644
--- game/Player.h
+++ game/Player.h
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@ public:
 	void					UpdateSkinSetup( bool restart );
+	bool					IsShoulderingBody( void ) { return m_bShoulderingBody; };
 	bool					OnLadder( void ) const;
 	// Virtal override of idActor::OnElevator()
 	virtual CMultiStateMover* OnElevator(bool mustBeMoving) const;
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
index 0bc7994..7aec3d4 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.cpp
@@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ idCVar cv_pm_softhinderance_run(	"pm_softhinderance_run",	"1.0",	CVAR_GAME | CVA
 idCVar cv_pm_weightmod(				"pm_weightmod",			"1",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Gets multiplied to the force applied to objects below the player model. Defaults to 1." );
-// #5892: Mantle while carring a body
-idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering( "pm_mantle_while_shouldering", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "If set to 1, allow mantling while shouldering a body." );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_reach(			"pm_mantle_reach",		"0.5",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Horizontal reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.5" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_height(			"pm_mantle_height",		"0.2",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Vertical reach of mantle ability, as fraction of player height.  Default is 0.2" );
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_minflatness(	"pm_mantle_minflatness",		"0.707",			CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "Cannot mantle on top of surfaces whose angle's cosine is smaller than this value. e.g. >1.0 means nothing can be mantled; 1.0 means only perfectly flat floors (0 degrees) can be mantled on top of; ~0.707 means no surfaces steeper than 45 degrees can be mantled on top of; 0.5 means no surfaces steeper than 60 degrees can be mantled on top of; a large negative value (like -10) means all surfaces can be mantled regardless of steepness. Default is 0.707." );
@@ -226,6 +223,17 @@ idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs("pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs","550
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold("pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold", "120.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "If the player speed exceeds this threshold, a grund sound is played when performing the mantle.", 0.0f, 100000.0f);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces("pm_mantle_fastLowObstacles", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "If true, a faster mantle will be performed for low obstacles.", 0, 1);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight("pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight", "36.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The maximum height of obstacles over which a fast mantle can be performed", 0.0f, 60.0f);
+// Daft Mugi #5892: Mantle while carring a body
+idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight("pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight", "41", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The maximum height of obstacles allowed for a shouldering body mantle", 0.0f, 100.0f);
+idCVar cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering(
+	"pm_mantle_while_shouldering", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER,
+	"Which restriction for mantle while shouldering?\n"
+	"  0 --- no mantling while shouldering a body (TDM original)\n"
+	"  1 --- restricted mantling while shouldering a body\n"
+	"  2 --- unrestricted mantling while shouldering a body (Cheat Mode)"
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched("pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "If true, a faster mantle will be performed for medium-high obstacles in crouched state", 0, 1);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs("pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs", "450.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER |CVAR_ARCHIVE, "The duration it takes for a fast pull.", 0, 10000);
 idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold("pm_mantle_fallingFast_speedthreshold", "360.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "If falling faster than this threshold, no fast mantles will be performed.", 0.0f, 100000.0f);
diff --git game/gamesys/SysCvar.h game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
index 0d558ff..74b9b6c 100644
--- game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
+++ game/gamesys/SysCvar.h
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_push_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight;
+extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_fastMediumObstaclesCrouched;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs;
 extern idCVar cv_pm_mantle_pushNonCrouched_playgrunt_speedthreshold;
diff --git game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
index e610f28..a0abf21 100644
--- game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
+++ game/physics/Physics_Player.cpp
@@ -5105,15 +5105,26 @@ void idPhysics_Player::PerformMantle()
 				if (self->GetFloorPos(pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat(), floorPos))
 					floorHeight = -floorPos * gravityNormal;
+			const float feetHeight = -(GetOrigin() * gravityNormal);
 			const float eyeHeight = -eyePos * gravityNormal;
+			const float obstacleHeight = mantleEndHeight - feetHeight;
 			const bool bFallingFast = 
 				(current.velocity * gravityNormal) > 
+			// Daft Mugi #5892: While shouldering a body, allow mantling at roughly waist height.
+			if (cv_pm_mantle_while_shouldering.GetInteger() == 1
+				&& p_player->IsShoulderingBody()
+				&& (eyeHeight < mantleEndHeight // no pull or hang allowed
+					|| obstacleHeight > cv_pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight.GetFloat() // restrict max height
+					|| bFallingFast)) // must not be falling fast
+			{
+				return;
+			}
 			if (cv_pm_mantle_fastLowObstaces.GetBool()) // STiFU #4930
-				const float feetHeight = -(GetOrigin() * gravityNormal);
 				if (   IsMantleable == EMantleable_YesUpstraight	// Upstraight mantle possible
 					&& !bFallingFast
 					&& (mantleEndHeight < floorHeight + cv_pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight.GetFloat() // Only allow the full obstacle height when near the floor
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

01.02.2023 06:09

developer   ~0015923

I've been releasing updates sooner than I probably should in case there's more code feedback.
Sometimes I notice a typo in the comments, make an improvement, or change something based on the public discussion.
So, instead of posting changes a lot here, I'll post patch updates as a GitHub Gist.

Future patch updates:


05.02.2023 17:47

administrator   ~0015927

I applied the latest version in svn rev 10267.
(I only added a line to cvar description)
Thanks, Daft Mugi!
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

05.02.2023 18:15

developer   ~0015928

Adding that extra line "Note that mantling above eye level is disabled regardless of this value" to the cvar description is a great clarification!

Thank you!
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

28.09.2023 15:50

developer   ~0016084

Previous commits added support for mantling while shouldering a body.

Added support for mantling while carrying an object as code rev 10454.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
26.01.2022 10:16 Bikerdude New Issue
06.08.2022 10:20 Bikerdude Product Version TDM 2.09 => TDM 2.10
06.08.2022 10:21 Bikerdude Note Added: 0015129
07.08.2022 04:35 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015141
07.08.2022 04:35 Daft Mugi File Added: mantle-carry-body-v1-r10063.diff
08.08.2022 00:55 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015148
08.08.2022 00:56 nbohr1more Assigned To => nbohr1more
08.08.2022 00:56 nbohr1more Status new => assigned
08.08.2022 07:54 Bikerdude Note Added: 0015151
08.08.2022 12:33 nbohr1more Relationship added child of 0005453
08.08.2022 12:36 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015154
08.08.2022 22:36 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015156
09.08.2022 02:43 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015157
09.08.2022 02:43 nbohr1more Note Edited: 0015157
09.08.2022 02:44 nbohr1more Note Edited: 0015157
09.08.2022 03:18 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015158
09.08.2022 06:21 Bikerdude Note Added: 0015159
21.01.2023 19:13 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015840
21.01.2023 22:01 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015841
21.01.2023 23:47 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015842
21.01.2023 23:47 Daft Mugi File Added: r10256-pm_mantle_while_shouldering.diff
22.01.2023 00:05 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015843
22.01.2023 00:05 Daft Mugi File Added: r10256-pm_mantle_while_shouldering-v2.diff
22.01.2023 03:19 nbohr1more Severity normal => feature
22.01.2023 03:19 nbohr1more Status assigned => feedback
22.01.2023 03:19 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => TDM 2.11
22.01.2023 03:19 nbohr1more Target Version => TDM 2.11
22.01.2023 03:20 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015844
22.01.2023 09:30 Bikerdude Note Added: 0015845
22.01.2023 09:30 Bikerdude Status feedback => assigned
22.01.2023 16:19 nbohr1more Status assigned => feedback
22.01.2023 17:53 stgatilov Note Added: 0015847
22.01.2023 18:09 nbohr1more Additional Information Updated
22.01.2023 18:09 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015848
25.01.2023 19:14 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015885
25.01.2023 19:14 Daft Mugi File Added: r10262-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering.diff
25.01.2023 19:14 Daft Mugi File Added: table-height.jpg
25.01.2023 21:26 stgatilov Note Added: 0015888
26.01.2023 06:10 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015890
26.01.2023 06:10 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015891
26.01.2023 17:36 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015892
26.01.2023 20:17 stgatilov Status feedback => suspended
26.01.2023 20:17 stgatilov Note Added: 0015895
26.01.2023 20:17 stgatilov Fixed in Version TDM 2.11 =>
26.01.2023 20:17 stgatilov Target Version TDM 2.11 => TDM 2.12
26.01.2023 21:16 STiFU Note Added: 0015903
28.01.2023 18:16 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015918
28.01.2023 18:16 Daft Mugi File Added: r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v2.diff
28.01.2023 19:31 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015919
28.01.2023 19:31 Daft Mugi File Added: r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v3.diff
30.01.2023 17:38 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015921
30.01.2023 17:38 Daft Mugi File Added: r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v4.diff
31.01.2023 20:37 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015922
31.01.2023 20:37 Daft Mugi File Added: r10261-low-mantle-check-while-shouldering-v5.diff
31.01.2023 20:39 Daft Mugi Additional Information Updated
01.02.2023 06:09 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015923
05.02.2023 17:47 stgatilov Note Added: 0015927
05.02.2023 17:47 stgatilov Status suspended => feedback
05.02.2023 18:15 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015928
16.06.2023 13:36 stgatilov Status feedback => resolved
16.06.2023 13:36 stgatilov Resolution open => fixed
16.06.2023 13:36 stgatilov Fixed in Version => TDM 2.12
28.09.2023 15:50 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0016084