View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005964DarkRadiantGUIpublic05.01.2023 16:25
ReporterBikerdude Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10 (21H1)
Product Version3.0.0 
Target Version3.0.0Fixed in Version3.0.0 
Summary0005964: Cannot manipulate func_emitter after creation
DescriptionPlacing and rotating in DR doesn't behave as per previous versions of DR
Steps To Reproduce1. right click on the map and select create func_emitter - you cant drag/move the entity.
2. give the func_emitter a particle.
3. try to rotate the func_emitter but the particle doesn't rotate - so in this instance I cant place "tdm_arclight_2.prt" in the orientation that I want.
4. direction arrow is also broken.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
fe_broken_1.jpg (246,594 bytes)   
fe_broken_1.jpg (246,594 bytes)   


Related Changesets

DarkRadiant: master d3534fe9

02.06.2022 13:28


Details Diff
0005964: The renderable box needs to be centered at the entity's origin, not at the bounds origin Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/entity/generic/GenericEntityNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/generic/GenericEntityNode.h Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 70345892

02.06.2022 13:30


Details Diff
0005964: Trigger a localToWorld transform evaluation once a NullModelNode has been inserted into the scene.
Otherwise the RenderableBoxSurface might be stuck at the world origin until the entity is moved.
Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/model/NullModelNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/model/NullModelNode.h Diff File

DarkRadiant: master bbb3ce37

02.06.2022 13:47


Details Diff
0005964: Add unit test checking the model localToWorld transform after the parent entity has been created Affected Issues
mod - test/Models.cpp Diff File
add - test/resources/tdm/def/func.def Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
02.06.2022 09:06 Bikerdude New Issue
02.06.2022 09:06 Bikerdude File Added: fe_broken_1.jpg
02.06.2022 09:44 Bikerdude Description Updated
02.06.2022 09:48 Bikerdude Steps to Reproduce Updated
02.06.2022 11:50 greebo Status new => confirmed
02.06.2022 11:50 greebo Product Version => 3.0.0
02.06.2022 11:50 greebo Summary Func_emitter entity broken in DR 3.00 pre6 => Cannot manipulate func_emitter after creation
02.06.2022 13:30 greebo Assigned To => greebo
02.06.2022 13:30 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
02.06.2022 13:47 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master d3534fe9
02.06.2022 13:47 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 70345892
02.06.2022 13:47 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master bbb3ce37
02.06.2022 13:48 greebo Target Version => 3.0.0
02.06.2022 13:48 greebo Status assigned => resolved
02.06.2022 13:48 greebo Resolution open => fixed
02.06.2022 13:48 greebo Fixed in Version => 3.0.0
05.01.2023 16:25 greebo Status resolved => closed