View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006117The Dark ModGUIpublic09.01.2025 06:13
ReporterDaft Mugi Assigned Toduzenko  
Status confirmedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 2.10 
Target VersionTDM 2.14 
Summary0006117: Popup message in upper-left corner fade in has wrong first frame
DescriptionSometimes when a popup message (note) in the upper-left is displayed, its fade in will not start at 0% opacity and fade to 100% opacity.

Instead, the note will blink, disappear, and fade in. So, maybe when this happens, it starts at 100% opacity, suddenly drops to 0% opacity, and then fades in to 100% opacity. This is quite jarring.

The expected behavior is to always start at 0% opacity and fade in to 100% opacity.

Steps To ReproduceA good mission to reproduce this issue is the training mission, since it has many popup messages that display.
Tagspopup messages


has duplicate 0006269 new Disabled pop-up message GUIs still briefly appear 




10.12.2022 19:59

developer   ~0015548

Completed: At revision: 16666
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

11.12.2022 17:33

developer   ~0015552

Please reopen.

This has not been fixed yet as of beta211-02 (rev 16670-10208).
From some of the discussion I read, it seems the fix was reverted due to some issues and a different fix will need to be found.
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

11.12.2022 17:51

developer   ~0015553

Sorry, duzenko. For some reason, I read your username wrong, so I that's why I explained the situation.

You of course know what's going on. :)

Thank you for working on this.


23.12.2022 09:07

developer   ~0015613

Last edited: 23.12.2022 09:08

Test map attached here:

This doesn't strike me as essential for TDM 2.11's release.


24.12.2022 20:19

developer   ~0015636

Moving to 2.12
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

05.12.2023 02:26

developer   ~0016216

Last edited: 05.12.2023 02:27

@nbohr1more: Perhaps this can be marked as resolved as of assets rev 16666.

I haven't noticed the bug in the dev builds.


05.12.2023 19:32

reporter   ~0016218

I wonder if this is the same issue as this:
Daft Mugi

Daft Mugi

05.12.2023 20:19

developer   ~0016219

So, this bug actually does still exist. Bummer.

It can be seen in the '' test map at:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
02.10.2022 20:44 Daft Mugi New Issue
22.10.2022 16:11 Daft Mugi Summary Notes in upper-left corner fade in has wrong first frame => Notes/Message in upper-left corner fade in has wrong first frame
22.10.2022 16:11 Daft Mugi Description Updated
10.12.2022 19:59 duzenko Assigned To => duzenko
10.12.2022 19:59 duzenko Status new => resolved
10.12.2022 19:59 duzenko Resolution open => fixed
10.12.2022 19:59 duzenko Fixed in Version => TDM 2.11
10.12.2022 19:59 duzenko Note Added: 0015548
10.12.2022 22:24 nbohr1more Target Version => TDM 2.11
11.12.2022 17:33 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015552
11.12.2022 17:51 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0015553
14.12.2022 05:00 Daft Mugi Status resolved => new
14.12.2022 05:00 Daft Mugi Resolution fixed => reopened
14.12.2022 13:11 nbohr1more Status new => confirmed
23.12.2022 09:07 Dragofer Note Added: 0015613
23.12.2022 09:08 Dragofer Note Edited: 0015613
24.12.2022 20:19 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.11 => TDM 2.12
24.12.2022 20:19 nbohr1more Note Added: 0015636
05.12.2023 01:40 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
05.12.2023 02:26 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0016216
05.12.2023 02:27 Daft Mugi Note Edited: 0016216
05.12.2023 03:02 nbohr1more Status confirmed => resolved
05.12.2023 03:02 nbohr1more Resolution reopened => fixed
05.12.2023 03:02 nbohr1more Fixed in Version TDM 2.11 => TDM 2.12
05.12.2023 03:02 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.13 => TDM 2.12
05.12.2023 19:32 Frost_Salamander Note Added: 0016218
05.12.2023 20:19 Daft Mugi Note Added: 0016219
05.12.2023 20:19 Daft Mugi Status resolved => confirmed
05.12.2023 20:20 Daft Mugi Relationship added has duplicate 0006269
24.01.2024 03:57 nbohr1more Fixed in Version TDM 2.12 =>
24.01.2024 03:57 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
24.01.2024 07:56 Fiver Tag Attached: popup messages
24.01.2024 08:01 Fiver Summary Notes/Message in upper-left corner fade in has wrong first frame => Popup message in upper-left corner fade in has wrong first frame
24.01.2024 08:01 Fiver Description Updated
24.01.2024 08:01 Fiver Steps to Reproduce Updated
09.01.2025 06:13 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.13 => TDM 2.14