View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000620DarkRadiantGeneralpublic18.07.2010 16:26
ReporterSneaksieDave Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.9.5 
Target Version1.4.0Fixed in Version1.4.0 
Summary0000620: Transparent speaker volumes
DescriptionI'm wondering if it's possible to show transparent speaker volumes, as with lights. I realize this might be odd with spheres, but perhaps just a circle would suffice, as it looks the same from all directions.

The difficulties with the current solid shaded (opaque) speakers include:
-blocking view of all items within and behind
-it becomes very difficult to select the speaker entity from cam view, because you must click exactly at the center

If clear, like light wireframes, neither would be an issue, and users would be free to leave speaker volumes enabled at all times if they wish.
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parent of 0002292 closedgreebo Add support for rendering entity boxes as transparent 




01.07.2010 18:53

administrator   ~0003102

Fixed with TDM 1.03 and DarkRadiant 1.4.0 by setting editor_transparent to speaker entityDefs.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
26.03.2008 21:32 SneaksieDave New Issue
26.03.2008 21:36 greebo Status new => acknowledged
01.07.2010 18:52 greebo Relationship added parent of 0002292
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Status acknowledged => assigned
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Assigned To => greebo
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Target Version => 1.4.0
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Note Added: 0003102
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Status assigned => resolved
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Fixed in Version => 1.4.0
01.07.2010 18:53 greebo Resolution open => fixed
18.07.2010 16:26 SneaksieDave Status resolved => closed