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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006245The Dark ModTweakingpublic08.01.2025 03:47
Reporterstgatilov Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product VersionTDM 2.11 
Target VersionTDM 2.14 
Summary0006245: Fixing the console warnings (pt2)
DescriptionThere are still a lot of console warnings when missions start.
Most likely there are some caused by core game/assets, which would be great to fix.

Note: the previous such issue was 0005170
TagsNo tags attached.




28.01.2023 10:28

administrator   ~0015912

This is a list of ALL warnings issued during all released missions on current trunk (that should be almost the same as 2.11).

There are a lot of GUI warnings introduced in 0005869, and a lot of them come from core assets.
I think that would be a good start.
_all_warnings.txt (1,137,577 bytes)


17.12.2023 13:42

developer   ~0016248

I completed a major effort to fix core asset console warnings in 0006019, which ended with no console warnings at startup in the associated testmaps. Not included were GUIs, however.


20.02.2024 18:21

developer   ~0016541

Some fixes done in 2.12. Targetting 2.13 for the remainder


11.04.2024 14:33

reporter   ~0016634

*Lots* of people use Sotha's alternative briefing GUI option:

(mostly the button controlled one)

This GUI gives a lot of console warning messages. I proposed to fix the GUI errors and add it to core (for 2.13). I have not looked into it, but just post this as a reminder.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
28.01.2023 10:26 stgatilov New Issue
28.01.2023 10:28 stgatilov Note Added: 0015912
28.01.2023 10:28 stgatilov File Added: _all_warnings.txt
17.12.2023 13:42 Dragofer Note Added: 0016248
20.02.2024 18:20 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
20.02.2024 18:21 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016541
11.04.2024 14:33 datiswous Note Added: 0016634
08.01.2025 03:47 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.13 => TDM 2.14