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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006273The Dark ModSound Systempublic15.06.2024 11:47
ReporterFrost_Salamander Assigned Tostgatilov  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version11
Product VersionTDM 2.11 
Target VersionTDM 2.13Fixed in VersionTDM 2.13 
Summary0006273: Feature request: EFX preset spawnarg for Location Entities
DescriptionOriginal discussion thread:

The ask is to be able to specify EFX preset values on info_location entities directly using a spawnarg as an alternative to having to maintain an .efx file.

For example:

"efx_preset" "WOODEN_SMALLROOM"

Things to consider:

- if EFX configuration is using a more complicated setup than just presets, the file should still be able to be used
- if a preset is specified in both the file and the info_location entity, one should take precedence (would suggest the spawnarg so it can be changed at runtime)
- could the EFX reverb be dynamically altered for a location? Currently other values like ambient sound and light can be changed at runtime using a script, but it requires leaving and re-entering the location. If investigated, then it would make sense to this to apply to ambient light and sounds as well as EFX.
- I don't know if the presence of the .efx file is responsible for some sort of initialisation of the EFX sound system - if so then need to figure out how that would work without the file.
- in the discussion thread, stgatilov mentioned implementing "cross-fading of EFX settings simultaneously"

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15.06.2024 11:47

administrator   ~0016739

Merged PR as svn rev 10797.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
18.03.2023 14:53 Frost_Salamander New Issue
18.03.2023 14:55 stgatilov Target Version => TDM 2.12
18.03.2023 14:56 Frost_Salamander Description Updated
05.12.2023 01:22 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
15.06.2024 11:47 stgatilov Note Added: 0016739
15.06.2024 11:47 stgatilov Assigned To => stgatilov
15.06.2024 11:47 stgatilov Status new => resolved
15.06.2024 11:47 stgatilov Resolution open => fixed
15.06.2024 11:47 stgatilov Fixed in Version => TDM 2.13