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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0006276 | The Dark Mod | Saving/Loading | public | 21.03.2023 03:37 | 03.03.2025 04:21 |
Reporter | wellingtoncrab | Assigned To | |||
Priority | high | Severity | major | Reproducibility | sometimes |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | PC | OS | Windows 11 | ||
Product Version | TDM 2.11 | ||||
Target Version | TDM 2.14 | ||||
Summary | 0006276: Frequent saving and reloading/"idle_animations_interval" manipulation po causing ai to path find into monster clip and get stuck | ||||
Description | On two missions I have worked on Iris and Seeking Lady Leicester we have had ghost players report instances of ai getting stuck in some corner of the map just repeating a loop of their walking animation. I tired a lot back when I was working on Iris to reproduce this but always struggled to do so. I never saw it in the course of a normal play through and I would open the map and leave it running for hours at a high time scale and never reproduced anything reliably. The screenshots would show the ai usually in a position of the map that would place them inside of a monster clip brush and it would happen often in their playthroughs. We have been running into this problem again beta testing Seeking Lady Leicester. A tester on SLL pointed out to me that as result of their "ghost" play style they are constantly quick saving and reloading the game sometimes over and over again even if they get a minor alert. This reminded me that the player I was troubleshooting this issue with in Iris was also a ghost player. So I tried starting the map and just really regularly hitting the save and reload keys every few seconds while cruising around the map in noclip and within about five minutes I started to find AI getting stuck in this loop. I reloaded the mission repeating the process and found another one (but only one in this instance) that was stuck in about 10 minutes. If the stuck ai gets an even minor alert level they will revert to their normal patrol - so typical play styles are perhaps less likely to encounter this, but if a player is eagle eyeing the stealth stats and saving and reloading constantly it seems more likely to occur and potentially ruin the experience for them. I also think this issue may related or exacerbated by manipulating the "idle_animations_interval" spawnarg on ai. I tend to decrease this quite a bit from it's default value of 40 seconds as this makes the ai produce ambient sounds more regularly and provides more variety and character in their animations while they are moving about the map. I believe I had this set at about 18 and was able to produce stuck ai in a reasonably short play time - resetting this 40 and after about 20 minutes I had not encountered any. The kind of random nature of the bug and difficulty of checking all the ai in a given mission makes it hard to say with certainty unfortunately. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | -Start a mission -Save and reload constantly | ||||
Tags | pathfinding, save | ||||
Attached Files | |||||
Bumping this to high priority for 2.12 as it keeps showing up during YouTube/Twitch playthroughs. It's quite gamebreaking. Seeking Lady Leicester: * * Iris: * * * |
This doesn't just affect ghost players. This bug is also present in FenPhoenix's recent playthroughs. |
Hmm. A quick brainstorm on a fix: On save, record the last path node the AI traversed On reload, take the saved AI position and move it away from pathfinding obstacles towards the last node until it is at the minimum safe distance from all obstacles Maybe elevate the AI a little so it drops to the ground on reload too. |
Yep, a few players complained about this happening in High Expectations as well. | |
The scope of the fix for this is too large and risky at this phase in the beta and we have yet to determine the best solution. Moving to 2.13 but it may be included in a 2.12 hotfix if something sensible can be designed. |
Too big of a change for 2.13 beta. Moving to 2.14 | |
Dhemw3 might have an answer: |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
21.03.2023 03:37 | wellingtoncrab | New Issue | |
21.03.2023 03:37 | wellingtoncrab | File Added: seeking (2023-03-20 19-15-25) (3335.99 -2.12 56.71).jpg | |
08.12.2023 02:37 | Daft Mugi | Priority | normal => high |
08.12.2023 02:37 | Daft Mugi | Severity | normal => major |
08.12.2023 02:37 | Daft Mugi | Target Version | => TDM 2.12 |
08.12.2023 02:50 | Daft Mugi | Note Added: 0016225 | |
08.12.2023 02:55 | Daft Mugi | Note Added: 0016226 | |
08.12.2023 03:13 | Daft Mugi | Note Edited: 0016226 | |
08.12.2023 03:27 | Daft Mugi | Note Edited: 0016225 | |
08.12.2023 16:15 | nbohr1more | Note Added: 0016231 | |
08.12.2023 22:07 | Frost_Salamander | Note Added: 0016238 | |
11.02.2024 05:10 | Fiver | Tag Attached: save | |
11.02.2024 05:10 | Fiver | Tag Attached: pathfinding | |
20.02.2024 02:40 | nbohr1more | Note Added: 0016536 | |
20.02.2024 02:41 | nbohr1more | Target Version | TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13 |
13.02.2025 02:57 | nbohr1more | Note Added: 0016971 | |
13.02.2025 02:57 | nbohr1more | Target Version | TDM 2.13 => TDM 2.14 |
03.03.2025 04:21 | nbohr1more | Note Added: 0016980 |